A Rushed Mistake

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Back with you and Dagur:

" So Beloved... when exactly where you going to tell me about the Dragons..."

Back to Present time:

'Oh THOR, how did he know?!! He shouldn't know... he doesn't know?... maybe this is some kind of trick to test me... oh Thor this is not good....!!'

" I mean after all of the excuses and whining about not wanting to hurt dragons, you almost had me convinced Beloved. But now I know the truth," he started, halting his fast pace to grab your shoulders.

Which proved effective in stopping you as you tried to process what he was going on about now,

" You've finally brought out your Dragon Hunting side, I mean, I'm furious that you left your measly island without permission but now that you're finally dragon hunting, w-we can be the perfect pair!" He finished with his deranged cackling as he crushed you into his armoured chest, that shook violently from his laughter.

" Oh wait- um yup I'm a hunter- a dragon hunter for that um sort...that's why I'm h-here hah " you spoke with a clear short of breath from in between Dagur's clutches.

Surprisingly enough he then proceeded to let you go, yet not completely as he held your biceps to your sides, reaching at arms length.

" Well of course you are, it's been set in stone that we would rule the Archipelago together one day - which would be difficult if you were on the weak side...", he said before murmuring the final part.

" Wait what, The Archipelago?!"

" But with my incredible strength and skills combined with your beauty and intelligence", Dagur then grips you by your shoulders (shoulder pads if you have them)," we'll be completely unstoppable, once we have absolute control we'll create the most powerful bloodline to rule after us!" He finished, pulling you to his chest once again before releasing you with a fit of chuckles, before suddenly becoming still.

Not that you were aware your mind was still
In shock by Dagur's passionate claim that didn't have time to process his next words fully.

" Well, who says we even have to wait that long beloved... it's never too soon to seal our future by-..!"

" DAgur- oh sorry for interrupting but I think I saw the night fury, I-it's heading east from here we have to go before it escapes..." Hiccup calls, dragging Snotlout in a brisk walk over to you and Dagur, who by now had stopped his aggressive glaring towards the interrupters and started a started a rushed walk away from you and continued on with that deranged grin on his face.

" The Night fury! Quick we must not let it get away, this night will be a sign of victory once I bring that dragons skull into our home, beloved... just you wait" he spoke out with an eiry tone, barley loud enough for you to here as he stalked off with his crossbow at the ready.

My Beloved - Dagur the Deranged x readerWhere stories live. Discover now