A Calming Tale of Two Small Vikings

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More Dragons...

This takes place during one of Dagur's newfound (as in - within the early realisation that the visits happen more often) monthly visits:

'This was an absolute disaster already, I had everything planned to the mere moment Dagur stepped off of his ship onto our land, yet that may have been the moment everything went downhill anyway.

To be clear, today was the day every Viking born of this land will have to eventually endure, the day they learn about their future roles, the day that I would collect my rights and take my 'temporary' settlement by my fathers side as he leads, learning his ways from practical hard work and practice; in belief that one day I would take on my role in this family.

Of course it's different for everyone when they come of age. There are some who have been born into the farming sector, training them from a very young age, and there are also those who aren't born into a particular sorted family and that may practice in different areas to see what suits their abilities best.

My lineage however, had always been that I would one day be a chieftess, or at least a leader of some sort of clan, I mean that had been decided the moment my mother and father had another child.

If I had been born a boy I simply would have been next in line, a back up per day.

Being born a female in my line meant that my next role would be either a wife to a far/ close island with the intention of forming closer bonds and relationships with such place, or through another heir in line.

Unfortunately for me, my delightful father decided that it would be more suitable for me to be tied down by a Deranged and obsessive chief of a clan called the Berserkers.

Brilliant planning on his part, I must say.

The only way I could possibly get out of this mess was if Dagur's father, Oswald, and my father both agreed to burning our contract, but the likely hood of Dagur ever even letting his father think about the possibility of letting me go seems quite unlikely at this stage (as it was when Oswald was alive)

However this isn't the main problem, today is also the day he set as a monthly visit for the Berserker Tribe (Dagur) and it just so happens that my father thinks it was a brilliant idea to sent Dagur and i off around the island to practice chiefly duties together whilst he and Oswald had a 'little chat' as he worded it.


Every one of them...

It was not a little chat, in fact the concern was it lasted all day and nobody had even bothered to check wether I was still even on the island.

In fact I knew I would either come back carrying trauma or simply not come back at all when Dagur brought me into the middle of the woods, he had found a cave whilst searching for me during previous visits and thought it would be the best place to hide in.

But, to my surprise...

I would say that day brought a complete opposing side to Dagur that I wish to have seen again."


" So beloved~ how do you feel about having some Monstrous nightmare skulls at our wedding ceremony? You know, perhaps to send a warning we should have a mix of Nightmares and Deadly Naders!" Dagur says as he focuses on his mini project on your wrist.

My Beloved - Dagur the Deranged x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat