The perfect time to escape

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'I am sorry you had to find out like this father, and I wish that there was another way, but I didn't want to risk it

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'I am sorry you had to find out like this father, and I wish that there was another way, but I didn't want to risk it.
I couldn't take the chances this time around, I mean, who knows if tomorrow would be the day. Especially if it was, I wasn't ready.

So as I am writing this to you, father, i do feel this unrelenting pressure over my shoulders releasing but also getting heavier as the new feeling of guilt is now added on as I leave my home, my people.
I am not abandoning my home, that would imply that I have given up on everyone, and I swear on my life that I will one day return to you and my brother. But I can't stay knowing that any second I will be forced to leave and possibly never return.
And the day that I do come back I will know that in some way, this world has changed, that myself and the people I love will be safe.

I know that leaving will cause yourself some issues with my betrothed, and I know that this is probably very selfish of me to leave, but I don't want to be taken away from my home by him, I can't.
Just know that I will be safe, and know that I love you with all of my being.

Love from

Your POV:

It was time.

'This was it', you thought heaving your small yet heavy bag over the side of your 'borrowed' sailboat.
It was the annual evening where all of the adults would be in the town hall trying to decide what the would do in preparation for tomorrow, in short, how they would convince my beloved fiancé to let me stay here for another year. It was mentioned that he was coming for a 'quick catch up' tomorrow in a slightly disturbing letter, in contrast paired with a rather pretty wooden amulet with his iconic mark of the skrill, which admittedly you were currently wearing.
These meetings had been going on for a full four years now, before every annual meeting and once a month just in case of a surprise visit, which have been very successful so far as it was easier to convince him to do anything with his father around to stop him.
But something told you that it wouldn't be that easy this time, that's why you had to leave tonight.
So here you were sailing off the island in said  ' borrowed' boat heading... somewhere that wasn't here.
Admittedly, this hadn't been you're first attempt at running away. During the first time you had actually been caught by one of the nearby fishing boats and brought back to a very displeased chief.

And Since then you hadn't been given so much of an glimpse of a map out of fear you would leave them with Dagur's wrath. Granted that was technically what you were doing right now, but it really wasn't the time to dwell on that.

So with that last thought in the back of your mind, you quickly untied the ropes attached to the pontoon; threw them into the boat and jumped in; opening up the sail and making way with your slow departure from the island.

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