Toxic Side..

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Previously -

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Previously -

' Oh Thor what have I done this time..'

The time has finally arrived.

Everyone had now gathered at the Dragon Training Arena, or as the Berserker Tribe are aware, The Killing Arena. Well, everyone but the missing Dragon Riders.

It had been a painful and very slow trek to the Arena, your mind was filled with unanswered questions. Mainly about Hiccup and the gangs whereabouts really, you were sure that they knew what was happening, but you could only pray they had a plan because you weren't in the right mindset at the moment.

It seemed the stress and panic about Dagur's very sudden arrival has had a larger impact on you than you originally expected.

You mind was so occupied with negative thoughts about how this is going to end you had been completely blocking out the rambling Dagur attached to you hip, babbling on about the Zippleback 'finally being within his grasp'.

Unfortunately it wasn't long before he noticed your prolonged silence and cut his talking completely.

Dagur then  moved the two of you silently and subtly away from the crowd, outside and towards the large pillars connecting the chain netting around the arena. It wasn't a massively open spot but you were still in public so he couldn't get away with what he wanted to, so he had to settle with this.

You were still absentmindedly staring into nothing before you focused to see Dagur's chest within a very close proximity with your face.

It made you jump a little before moving your gaze to his own, only to see him staring at you with a rather lazy glare paired with a frown.

"Beloved.." he said, quietly staring you down

"Dagur..?" You questioned, very confused about his current attitude.

He raised one hand to you head and gently pressed his palm to your cheek, his other resting on your hip.

" you've been rather.. quiet ever since I captured that Zippleback... did something about that seem to.. bother you, at all?" He was rather slow with his question, he seemed to be trying to find the gentlest way to say it whilst rubbing your cheek.

But it only gave you goosebumps as you quickly tried to think of a good enough fib.

"Well I- actually-!" You had been cut off from your stammering and making your eyes snap back to his form, which you had been avoiding only a few seconds before, just as you raised your hand to grip your (gloves/sleeves/wrist armour), an anxious habit you had picked up. And unfortunately one that Dagur instantly noticed.

"And don't even think about lying to me about this. I know all of your fidgety habits, I mean of course I know everything my love, you are to be mine after all, how could I not desire to know your every details?"He half-asked, as it sounded more rhetorical than anything.

My Beloved - Dagur the Deranged x readerWhere stories live. Discover now