Warning signs

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' Sometimes people are oblivious to warning signs, on some occasions they can be ignored or be turned a blind eye due to the views on the certain person

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' Sometimes people are oblivious to warning signs, on some occasions they can be ignored or be turned a blind eye due to the views on the certain person.
But those warning signs are what can possibly help a possible victim avoid a endless loop of pain and guilt, but only if handled correctly.

Confronting a manipulator or an overprotective, possessive fiancé could have worked if warning signs that were shown early on, which they were, but it's the fact that everyone else seemed to turn a blind eye to Dagur's actions to the point where people just assumed it was something harmless instead.

It was more or less the same routine whenever Dagur came for a visit, be alerted that a few Beserker ships were spotted coming towards the island and I would then have to drop any chores or other tasks I would be doing and. I  then have to find yet another new hiding spot before my father could realise what I was doing and pray that Dagur wouldn't find me and give up.

But apparently those desperate pleas were never enough, because every single time I were found by Dagur. every. single. time and it was getting ridiculous.

At one point I thought that he was following my scent to track me down like some predator but that would be even more ridiculous as it's obvious that he has gained these tracking skills from the many dragon hunting trips he goes on with his men.
As that is what he would often gloat about when he would gift me handmade jewellery of what seems to be those said dragon bones, well only when he wasn't giving me to usual fountain of compliments and comments on how excited he was to go dragon hunting together before we ' rule the Archipelago together as one ' and such and such or on how our married life would be. The usual.

It was especially concerning how easily he found me considering my hiding spots were always in small spaces such as empty barrels, in the small gaps behind haystacks and inside just about any crate i could fit into just to avoid him, but he would always find a way to track me down.

And I'm not going to lie, it was rather exciting, similar to having a game of the hunt, to see how far he would go to find me and what lengths he would go to stay by my side for the rest of the day.

Though when the time comes when he did have to leave he would always throw childlike fits, constantly whining whilst cutting off my blood circulation due to his constant grip.

He was very difficult to deal with at these moments as he would also try and keep me by his side and I would then have to ' comfort ' him that I would be here the next time he visited.

On some occasions he would plan ahead and pull me into a game in a cave or forest beforehand to avoid your parents and.. I actually enjoyed those moments, they were always filled with Dagur trying to entertain me and make me happy, despite the constant physical contact and random cheek caresses, I genuinely looked forward to making those memories with him.

There was this one time were he was teaching me how to fish with his hands, a trick he learnt whilst hunting with his father.
Whilst I was attempting to catch a fish with all my focus locked onto the water, I didn't notice Dagur's unrelenting stare, not when the light happened to shines through the trees and directly onto my figure and definitely not when I lent forward over the bank and feel straight in.

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