An Exciting New Day...

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Your pov:

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Your pov:

' Spending two months living on Berk was definitely not what I was intending to do, but once I met with Hiccups dad for the first time, Stoick, and he decided that i should have my own hut it made it a lot harder to leave. Not that I'm ungrateful for the roof over my head it's just that I'm now a bit too comfortable here.

Ever since my first encounter with the dragon riders it's been been rather... messy? No that's not the right word for it... Chaotic, that's it.

There's been so many adventures already where I would tag along with either Astrid or Hiccup and then get roped into someone else's problem.
We have dealt with a mix of Alvin and his outcasts, a few Mildew issues, a rather strange ravenette called Heather - that event was especially rough on the group, but the best part is that I even got my own dragon! Well more of like a training dragon anyway...

Hiccup suggested that I should join the dragon academy a little while back and agreed that it would be a good idea to have a partner to help keep me safe on missions.. but on the first day when I was introduced to a wild Deadly Nadder I.... Immediately face planted the floor once the dragon came up to me...

So after that we figured that I should probably start small and that small was decided to be a rather mischievous little terrible terror that always managed to kept me on my toes.

So after that we figured that I should probably start small and that small was decided to be a rather mischievous little terrible terror that always managed to kept me on my toes

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I had a lot of difficulties trying to find a good name for him, something that he managed to represent, something fitting enough that he, himself would like.

Then I took a thought back to all of the recent adventures we went on together, how he would always defend me when we were shot at, how he would always, mostly, listen whenever I called and even the time he bit Alvin on the nose trying to protect me, that was when I thought of the name Tryggr, meaning loyal, faithful and true.

Of course over half the time he's running around, knocking books off shelves and dragging hay and mud throughout my house that I then have to clean. Sometimes he would get really creative and hide my boots if he didn't want me to leave for the day.
Or he would then be stealing everyone's food in the Great Hall when nobody was looking.

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