The Night and the Fury

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' Time on Berk has been an incredible one, definitely one that will be remembered for a long time

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' Time on Berk has been an incredible one, definitely one that will be remembered for a long time. Not that I would be able to forget the many adventures where I've had with the many friends, especially enemies, from it.

But from the beginning, especially with how close everyone is with each other, I couldn't help but feel rather out of place...

Ever since the whole Dagur fiasco a little while back it's been different.

I've told everyone about our... situation and it brought up some concerns. Deciding to take the stubborn route, they agreed that they are not going to let me go through this alone which I couldn't be more thankful for, because even if I now had Tryggr by my side, I wouldn't think that he alone would be able to save me from Dagur's clutches if it came to it.

So I decided that I would try and make my mark, I've tried my hardest to find a place on Berk that I could call my own, I've even started training with Gothi in medicine.

Admittedly I'm still struggling with actually trying to understand her writing but I'm getting a lot better with Gobbers help.

It's very fun working with Gothi, and as it turns out I'm very skilled in herbalism and am often sent into the woods to fetch any missing ingredients, with the help of Tryggr of course.

Speaking of which, turns out that Gothi had a real soft spot for the mischievous Terrible Terror, even when he would sneak away with her snacks she wouldn't actually do anything about it other than giving him more.

I'm getting slightly worried that he's going to be over fed by the rate she's been feeding him...

Then I've gotten very close with Astrid, i think has been the most reliable since I've revealed my relationship to Dagur.

It's been lovely hanging out together, practicing with weapons in the forest, at one point she even helped me gather a very pesky plant from dragon island.

Unfortunately during that small trip we had been forcefully separated from Stormfly and been attacked by a rather ticked Monstrous Nightmare, we had to be saved by Stormfly as we decided that jumping of a cliff would be the best way to get away in one piece.

And that's most likely the reason for why I am currently stranded on Dragon Island, completely isolated, simply trying to get to the other side; intact if I'm lucky...

Astrid was in charge of todays training, so she decided that we should practice on how we would react to not having a dragon around to protect us... so she may have used our experience as her plan.

I just hoped that nothing bad would happen whilst we were out here but as it seems, fate truly has a great sense of humour and brought me right back into Dagur's arms once again, and this time, he didn't leave without the truth of Berks Dragons.'

"What a brilliant idea, leaving a 16 year old in the middle of a dragon infested island with no one else around and carrying nothing but a sword and a lantern, one of which they could barely use... bloody brilliant..."

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