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For centuries they had been seen as monstrous beasts that kill anything that moves.
The stories that stem from the experiences of survivors that have encountered a dragon have had many opportunities to be twisted when they've been spread from Viking to Viking.
Many see them as unreasonable and wild creatures that need to be killed where ever and whenever the opportunity arises.

But, there are always going to be some that believe that Vikings and Dragons could one day live in peace and tranquillity, side by side.
That maybe, if we just stopped fighting one another, we would see that there really wasn't that much if a difference between the two. I definitely felt that dragons and vikings could one day be at peace with another, I just new I had to find proof to help others understand it.

Unfortunately, my village was very determined to strike down any dragon spotted, my father held a very personal hatred against whispering deaths. Apparently when my father was young he went on a hunting trip with his older brother, the oldest son. It was said that they fell into a whispering death hole while searching for shelter from a storm. They were separated by a maze of different tunnels and my father, although he managed to get out, never saw his brother again.
I was never told what happened by my father but from the stories i overheard from other villagers. He would always change the subject or simply walk away when I would bring it up, so I just had to let it go.

He always was a stubborn father, but he was an incredible chief to his people and never let his emotions get in the way with important decisions.
Which is probably why I'm in this whole engagement mess to begin with.
I was just about to turn 14 when my father first announced that Dagur and I were to be wed. Of course not until we were 18 but Dagur didn't seem to quite grasp that idea and decided that he would try to take me back to Beserker Island with him anyway.
Thankfully, he was caught before we left the pontoon and managed to get away with it with a quick apology to me and my father along with one of my favourite daggers he nicked lying at the bottom of his bag.
This should have been the first warning sign to my father because after that, his visits were more frequent and it was growing painfully obvious that he was growing a bit too attached.
I would often have to do chores whenever he visited so it was reported multiple times to my father that Dagur could be seen trailing behind me whenever we went through town.
There was also the increasing amount of physical affection shown in public, as he would always attempt to stay in contact, wether that be by hand holding, waist grabbing, the typical arm over the shoulders and anything else he could get away with.
It was very distracting when trying to do any of my work as my attention had to be on him the whole time. And this was happening even before the engagement, everyone seemed to pass it off as a fist-love, that it wouldn't last long, whereas Dagur seemed to be under the impression that I was his hjarta. That's why I would often try to hide during one of his visits, he was just too clingy, too possessive and as a 10 year old it was a bit much for me to handle even though he was only a year older.

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