The end of Twinsanity

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You had no plan, no idea of what you could do to help and no courage to say anything about it

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You had no plan, no idea of what you could do to help and no courage to say anything about it.

Gobber was currently going over the rules of the killing of Barf and Belch and their time was almost up... maybe he had been trying to stall.

It was all up to Hiccup now, and you were praying to Odin that he wasn't going to do anything stupid.

"According to the treaty, the killing of the dragon-- must be--" Gobber announced before being rudely interrupted by clearly very impatient Berserker chief, Gobber had then been shoved out of Dagur's path as he feigned tiredness and yawned.

"Bored! I want the head on the right." Dagur declared as he marched his way over to the vulnerable Zippleback, side eying your direction being giving you a once over as he looked to see you entering the arena, hoping his performance will impress you enough for you to accept him in your eyes.

"I'm putting a stop to this. If it means war, it means war." Stoick, clearly very angry, muttered to Gobber and yourself as he walked past you both to make his was to Dagur.

You had no idea how to help, if you help Dagur he'll definitely get the wrong impression and you'll either make a fool of yourself or he'll ask you to help in the Zipplebacks death... or if you stop Stoick, he'll think of you as a possible traitor and Dagur will... still assume that you want to help him kill Barf and Belch..

Definitely not a great situation to be in right now.

Just as Stoick made his way to Dagur, the man raising his own sword, ready to strike Dagur down, which definitely put you on each and had you reach out slightly, who himself was currently raising his sword above the dragon.

But then Hiccups voice broke through the tensed atmosphere and chaos erupted.

"HELP! DRAGON ATTACK!" Hiccup ran in pointing towards the clear invasion of dragons, Fishlegs and Astrid following behind before spreading out.

"The Dragons are attacking! Run for your lives! We gotta get out of here!" Hookfang could then be seen climbing onto the chain roof above the arena, his movements being instructed by Snotlouts hand signals, who was currently outside of the arena.

You, as shocked as you were, only barely managed to dodge Hookfangs blasts, that were definitely far too close for comfort, and made your way towards the stone wall, hoping you could inch your way towards a shield to defend yourself with.

"What is going on?"

" Gobber, dragon attack." The Berkian chief had to nudge his friend into understanding that this was all a rouse to distract the Berserkers, or to scare them off, either way thankfully, the Berserkers couldn't tell the difference from good acting and fell for the trick.

"Oh. Dragon attack! Everyone out of here! We must protect our honored guests." Mid way through his speech Stormfly and Meatlug entered the arena and, followed by Astrid and Fishlegs orders,  started attacking the berserker soldiers.

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