017. deny, deny, deny

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a/n: updates are going to be more limited as the comments & votes have been going down recently so I think people have lost interest in this book. I'll be focusing more on Deep Reef, Venus, and Hunter. 

"𝗔𝗟𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧, 𝗝𝗝, Pin it here." John B said to JJ, who had Mackenzie's infant off him steering the boat. Technically, JJ was steering the boat.

He had pulled Mackenzie in front of him and placed her hands on the wheel before putting his own hands over hers.

"Roger that! X marks the spot." JJ said, gently helping the brunette girl move the wheel.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen. To going full kook." John B said as he held the drone. JJ could tell that Mackenzie had made a face at that statement, after last night he started to understand that this girl would leave everything behind in a heartbeat.

"Alright JJ, we're right over it. Ten seconds northwest." John B shouted.

"Got it! Ten seconds northwest." JJ shouted back.

"One hundred feet!" Kie informed. "Four hundred feet. The tides turning." She said as they heard a clap of thunder.

"Hey JJ?" John B said as he looked at the monitor.

"Yup?" JJ nodded.

"Ten seconds easy. Right south-southeast."

"Copy that."

Mackenzie wondered if they'd find anything if this adventure could lead them to something larger than what they had already discovered. "Do you think we'll find anything?"

"I'd like to hope so." Pope admitted."

"700 feet!" Keep shouted.

The wind was picking up and the thunder was getting louder. The sound of the waves crashing and the mixture of the thunder rolling in overhead was starting to give Mackenzie some anxiety.

"I don't think this is safe," She questioned looking up to the black clouds, feeling slightly anxious at the sudden weather change. JJ could feel her shiver against him.

"We've come too far to head back now. JJ. Hold it steady." John B shouted over the loud rumbling.

"Okay. 900," Kie shouted.

"JJ was gonna turtle in this storm man." Pope shouted to JJ."920!"

"Crank it north by northwest! Ten seconds!" John B shouted.

When Mackenzie slithered out from JJ's arms, she left him to steer the boat and made her way over to the screen. She frowned, "There's still nothing. We're not going to find it."

"How we doing?" John B questioned.

"Almost there." Pope cut in before Mackenzie could tell him the truth.

"John B there's too much current?" Kie shouted as she struggled to hold onto the wire and keep it in place. "We're gonna lose it!"

"South, southwest JJ. Hard!" John B ignored Kie.

"We need to turn around, it's not safe, we can come back later-" Mackenzie shouted over the loud waves crashing against the boat.

"No." John B snapped.

"If we fucking die on this boat looking for this stupid gold that we're probably not gonna find, that's your fault. I'm not dying for this." Mackenzie yelled, "I can't fucking swim, you all have a chance. I don't."

"Half speed. Steady at this bearing JJ." John B shouted, ignoring the girl's pleas to leave. "Steady here JJ. Quarter speed alright."

"You see anything?" JJ shouted.

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