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Everett POV

It was a regular Thursday.

The first thing I had to do was go to therapy. The best part of my day. I loved sitting and talking to a woman who thinks she knows everything going on in my head.

I sat down in front of her keeping my eyes off of the paper weight on the coffee table separating us.

[ just do it. If you clean up the blood quickly no one would know. Unless you want people to know.]

There's that voice in my head, encouraging me to become him.

"Everett, did you hear what I said?" Dr Cameron gets my attention back easily. I shake my head and sigh.

"I asked how your job is going? I know you were having some problems before and thought we could discuss that today." Her doctor voice makes me want to rip my hair out.

"Jobs fine."

She sighs and takes her glasses off in a very doctorly manner. I feel like I'm going to be lectured.

"Have you been in any fights recently? I see your knuckles are slightly bruised. Even more than last time."

[ I love when she talks like that. It's gets me excited. ]

I hate it. How does your excitement always transfer to me?

"There was a...disagreement at the bar and I handled it." I hold back the urge to roll my eyes already knowing what she's going say.

[Did you use your words?]

"Did you happen to use your words first?" She ask the usual annoying question that only ends in my frustration.

"I used my words and when that didn't work i used my fist."

[ obviously one worked better than the other ]

Dr. Cameron clicks her pen and starts to write on her little notepad. Probably just confirming I'm crazy for the 100th time.

"It's been almost 2 hours. I'm pretty sure I only pay for an hour. Can we end this?" I say trying not to have a rude tone, but I desperately want to leave.

Doc looks at her watch and puts her glasses back on. Her eyebrows raise slightly as she sees what time it is. We've been sitting in mostly silence for more than an hour and it's been killing me.

"Alright we'll end it here," She stands up and I do the same, "I expect to see you here in 3 days so we can discuss more about treatment for your...friend."

She refers to Adam. The small voice in my head that use to control my body. He tried to kill not only me, but my brother and innocent people. Somehow my brother, Adrian, brought me back, but the damage was irreversible.

I was forever scarred with the faces of dead women and dead children stuck in my brain. I thought of ending it but he wouldn't allow me. It's like he still has control over my body.

Hence the psychiatrist.

She was trying to help me shut him up and it wasn't working, which is why I see her every 2 days.

"Yeah, I'll see you then." I grab my duffel bag and put it around me before leaving her room. I ignore her formal goodbye and even the receptionist goodbye and head straight for the exit.

I feel like I can finally breathe when i step foot outside. That office is becoming more and more stuffy I don't know how much more of it I can take.

I take out my phone and look at the time. I was going to be late for work. It was almost 8:30 at night and my shift started at 8:35.

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