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"Wait a minute you are-"  I was interrupted by them jumping down from the top of the wall above me. As they landed on the ground they began to flare up creating powerful gusts of air sweeping across the area as if they were playing a deadly game of cat and mouse, I struggled to regain my balance before falling backwards onto the pavement.

"Raph! be careful..." The one with blue eyes called out to the one named Raph

"She's fine! plus it's not my fault, she fall to easily, being dramatic." He replied to his brother, glaring at me while walking towards me. He knelt on the floor staring at me intensely, I looked down and saw that I had fallen into the alley with a couple of garbage cans on top of me.  "Sorry...are you okay?" Raph asked me  as he bent down and offered me his hand. I took his hand carefully, as I got up onto my feet I looked back at them noticing their different colored eyes. "Do you know where we are?"

"My bracelet seemed to reacted some how and here we are."  I explained, putting the bracelet back on.
"Your bracelet? What do you mean...?" Raph questioned, tilting his head slightly to the side while eyeing the bracelet suspiciously.
"I'm not positive but I'm sure there is a reason why you are here..."  My voice trailed off as I studied my surroundings. The alley looked familiar somehow, "Hey uh guys I think-" My words were soon interrupted by an explosion from afar, I looked at the sky to see several fireballs flying about, the buildings nearby started shaking in anticipation as the buildings started exploding, some debris flew across the sky as well as some smoke and dust was thrown in the air.

"Duck!"  Raph ordered, pulling me down just as a fireball crashed right over the spot where I was previously sitting. I looked up to see same from before that got me into this situation

(Monsters from the beginning of the story) 

floating in the air with weapons held in their hands, the rest of the group surrounded us, the other creatures circled around trying to get closer to us. "Mikey do you have smoke bombs it'll be a good time to use it?!"  I heard one of the turtle's yell to the youngest turtle.  "On it!"  Mikey replied before pulling a smoke bomb out of his jacket pocket, he tossed it at the ground blowing a cloud of smoke into the monsters faces covering their noses. As soon as they began to stumble and cough we all ran away.

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