Chapter 7

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In order to keep the greedy humans from approaching the God of Love during their current and future breaks, multiple dragons relocated their seats to the front. Each one released a small amount of Dragon Fear whenever a noble tried to get close to the youth or his flock. When the lesser races saw they'd be unable to ask the deity their questions, they decided to go out into the garden. To their dismay, the door would not open since the God of Life was still having a very long chat with Count Deruth. As a result, the majority of the mortals chose to remain in the hall while a few warriors and knights went out to spar.

After approximately ten minutes, the little girl returned in what appeared to be a frilly mauve dress with a white bow around her waist. Her hair was now pulled back in braided pigtails with matching ribbons at their ends. Pink sapphires adorned her ears and neck.

"Are our breaks just so she can change her outfits?" mumbled the blue haired man in glasses.

This caused the God of Youth to smile in a frightening manner.

"Would you like to play a game with me, Mercenary King Bud Illis?"

This question caused the swordmaster's face to pale in terror.

"Noona. No."

<I need him alive. He's a useful sla- pawn.>

"Bwahahahaha!"- God of War

"Poor alcoholic soul."- God of Judgment

"It's fitting for a human to be a God's slave."- Sun God

"Only because you personally haven't been forced to serve a God..."- God of Peace

"..."- God of War

Laying on his stomach on top of an extremely plush pillow, the man with a buzz cut remarked.

"We never got to play games with the infuriating humans who insulted the God of Love."

Instantly, a mischievous smirk spread across the older deity's lips.

<Oh, s***!>


A blinding light filled the room. Soon a beautiful woman with shoulder length hair was standing at the front of the hall. Numerous tattoos covered her arms, waist and thighs. Crimson and gold makeup accented her sharp amber eyes. She wore a leather jacket over a gray crop top, jean mini shorts, fishnet stockings and black knee high boots. There was a choker around her neck and multiple piercings in her ears. Resting on her left shoulder was an unsheathed katana with an unknown language carved into it. Her attire was very foreign to most people present. Yet they had to agree that it suited her.

<She just had to call Oanez here...>

A merciless grin spread across the newly arrived God's attractive face. Expertly, she spun her sword in the air and stabbed it into the floor in front of her. Its blade effortlessly cut through what the mortals' had deemed an indestructible structure as if it was butter. This sight caused many people to shudder in fear.

"I am the God of Judgment. May you pitiful souls never have to experience my wrath."

On a sofa not far away from her was a 16 years old girl whose eyes sparkled in excitement and admiration. Her hands were firmly clasped in prayer together as the Holy Maiden lowered her head reverently towards her lady. Pleased by her younger representative's actions, the woman located the youth and rushed over to hug him.


<Ha— Not again...>

Not even bothering to resist, the God of Love let himself get pulled into her embrace. Most of his kids were startled by this behavior. However, the older ones had expected it since two of the other Gods had done almost the exact same thing. Although this God had the second most threatening aura out of the five that they had met so far.

Two Stars React Fic: A TCF/LCF FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora