Chapter 10

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AN: Work has been incredibly busy. Thank you all for your patience. Here is the next chapter! Please Enjoy!


Half an hour passed as the youth explained things to the curious children regarding all of the potential bad words they may hear and should not repeat. After he was done, the kids expected the video would restart. Except it didn't. They all looked at their guardian in confusion. Was something wrong? Why wasn't his noona playing the next part of the video? Their unspoken questions were soon answered when a message appeared on all of the mortals' screens.

"Specific individuals in this room are under the protection of the God of Love. Discrimination towards these individuals due to affinity, race, background, gender or abilities after you return to the mortal realm will not be tolerated."

Murmurs filled the room as everyone speculated who could be the people favored by the young deity. It was obvious that it included the children, the Henituse Household, the swordmaster, the Molan duo, the Crown Prince and for some reason the female necromancer. Were there others aside from them who he cared about?

"Going forward, some very personal secrets of some individuals shall be revealed. If these individuals are under the God of Love's protection and you try to use this information to hurt them, you will be punished. Either your memories will be erased or you will be inflicted with a curse which will cause an appropriate amount of suffering for your offense. Even death."

Many people frowned at this news. Although others saw it as an opportunity. If they could just obtain the God of Love's favor then they would have protection even when they returned to their own worlds. That would prove very beneficial for those currently caught up in power struggles.

"Humans really are a greedy race."- God of Communication

"You Divine Dragons just have it easy. That's all."- God of War

"..."- God of Communication

Everyone saw the screen light up, but it wasn't a video that played. A series of texts written in a language they all somehow understood started appearing on it instead.

"Zed Crossman. Please come to the front."

Hesitating slightly, the middle aged blond did as he had been commanded. Numerous whispers regarding what was going on filled the hall.

"As everyone knows, every God has their own sort of rules and teachings that their followers must adhere to or live by. You will now be taught the God of Love's most important rule."

This piqued every single one of the mortals' intrigue. Just what could it be?

"Love does not discriminate."

A smug grin formed on the eldest of the dragon's lips. It was exactly like he had suspected it to be. Why else would they receive so many warnings against committing such an act?

"Zed Crossman is an example of someone who has not discriminated against members of the dark races or those who have the darkness affinity."

Instantly, the Roan Kingdom's nobles looked at their King in either shock, horror, respect, understanding, curiosity or disbelief. Many peeked at his firstborn as they recalled the things which had been said during the Moon and Sun Gods' possession argument. Could their future Sun really have the darkness affinity? How was that even possible?

"In fact, Zed Crossman married a half blood dark elf and had a child with her."

There was a brief moment of silence as everyone processed what they were reading. Then the expected uproar came from the elves and humans.

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