Chapter 13

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AN: Sorry for the wait everyone. Please enjoy!


After what would've originally been three days in the mortal realm, the timer started to at last count down again. Rapidly, every single person hurried back to the grand hall in order to continue watching the videos. Many were still curious as to the reason the clock had stopped in the first place. To the mortals' surprise, there were four familiar Gods seated together at the very front of the room. Why was the God of Youth here? Did something serious actually happen during their break? Sitting around the four majestic entities were the youngest of the four's flock of children who were eating snacks, napping, drawing, trying to read or playing games. One even had a sword which he was trying to polish similarly to how his uncle had done!

Gradually, the crowd started to reclaim their seats. Only a few noticed someone was missing from Roan's Royal family. Where exactly was the Crown Prince? Their gazes all turned to the God of Love who had definitely been possessive of the mixed blood earlier. Would he tell them if they asked? Did they even want to know where someone with the dark affinity was? Piercing silverish emeralds suddenly focused on the second prince. A chill of terror immediately ran down his spine. Why did his instincts tell him to run and hide? Had he done something wrong?

<Hatred and disgust. It's not aimed at me, so he must be thinking about Alberu. Such a f***ing a**hole... Well, he'll get his judgment soon enough.>

"Yep~"- God of Judgment

"Indeed."- God of Time

"Who wants to bet Salm will want to do it themself?"- God of Fate

"Ha— Noona. Please don't go betting over such a thing. Alright?"- God of Time

"I'd pay to see that."- God of Purification

"Do you want to destroy the mortal world, Sul?"- God of Peace

"...Sometimes."- God of Purification

"..."- God of Protection

Not even a couple minutes before the timer ran out, a very exhausted man entered the hall and trudged over to his seat. Multiple concerned or curious gazes followed his every step. Just what had the God of Life talked to him about? For those who didn't know where he had been, they couldn't help wondering why the fake blond looked so tired. It was almost as if he had been lectured for hours on end. Possibly even days. Weary dyed sky blues peeked over at the clueless youth who was the largest source of his current and future headaches. Their eyes met briefly before a message appeared on his screen.


"Do you need something from me?"- Cale Henituse

Shaking his head in response, the quarter dark elf secretly replied.

"You are a lot like your Amna. That's all."

Both beautiful, overprotective and terrifying when enraged. How exactly was he supposed to handle such an existence? Simply having his attention was by far more than a lowly mortal like himself deserved. To think that they would've ended up as partners had the Gods not intervened like this. Even if there was still a chance of that happening now, the God of Life had made their wishes very clear to him. No one was allowed to court their child until he had at least completed his third growth phase and could understand his domain better. Sighing in complete exhaustion, he accepted the medicinal tea which yet again materialized in front of him. Pale blues, golds and fuchsias were carefully observing him. Yet he was too tired to even care.

Since everyone was finally present, the screen lit back up and the video began to play.

The moment the redhead left the banquet hall, he felt a wave of pain attempting to steal his consciousness. As a result, he bolted down the closest hallway in order to get away from the servants and guards watching him.

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