Chapter 20

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As soon as the screen turned back on, the indestructible transparent barriers vanished. Eagerly, the mortals who had been discussing the reason behind their unofficial break with their allies or family members reclaimed their seats. Their theories, unconfirmed for now.

"Alright~ If you say so~"

The mage clearly didn't believe him.

"Of course I didn't. His reaction is quite suspicious," remarked Rosalyn with a playful grin.

Her eyes made it very clear that she was enjoying this.

<D*** it! What do I do now?>

"How about showing us the ring you intend to give to His Highness~" suggested Cage while her best friend poured them each a cup of soju.

Nervously, he peeked over at the butler and saw his brown eyes were not smiling like his lips. It was clear he would have a lot of explaining to do later. The very fact the prince had come to see him was not at all planned for. Moreover, this misunderstanding just seemed to keep getting worse. What could he do to fix it?

"Focus on calming down or changing the subject," advised Shickler.

Sure, he may find him overly attractive, but that's it!

"Is it now~" goaded Mya who was cuddling with a large white dragon plushie.

"So suspicious~" chuckled the silver haired deity prior to consuming another liqueur chocolate.

<Just because I've never had a relationship before does not mean I want to have one with him.>

"We'll see~" smirked Angelina, which stirred even more murmurs within the hall.

A gasp of surprise came from Litana. Could it be- Has Love never actually been in love before?

"Do you really think we're stupid?" scoffed the owner of the Kipling Merchant Group in complete incredulity. "How can any man, especially the very embodiment of Love, have never been in a romantic or sexual relationship within his 84 years of life?! There was certainly someone. Just look at him! There's no way in the world someone who possesses such beauty isn't a whore!"

<Is this motherf***er insane? What does appearance have to do with promiscuity? Based on his logic, all of the Gods and Dragons would be consumed by debauched lifestyles. Yet members of both races usually prefer to live their long lives in seclusion. Only choosing to socialize within a small community. So why in the realms would he even conclude such things?>

"Silence! Kipling!" commanded the Sun God in obvious rage.

"You bastard! Who do you think you're insulting right now?!" shouted Aylin as her Saint prepared to curse and poison the infuriating merchant.

Out of the corner of his eyes, the youth could see the God of Judgment unsheathe her katana and envelop it with an amber flame. Even the most childish one of the Gods there was fully prepared to shed blood in an extremely brutal manner.

"I'm going to kill him! I'm going to f*- freaking kill that d*- darn s*- crappy bastard!"- God of Peace

"Get in line, Kid."- God of Purification

"How dare he call cute little Amias a whore!"- God of Fate

"Mata! Let me into the hall! I'm going to rip that a*- butthole to pieces!"- God of War

"Looks like I need to dispose of some trash..."- God of Time

"The sheer audacity! We Divine Dragons are loyal to our partners! Not whores! How dare he insinuate such a horrendous thing!"- God of Communication

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