Chapter 16

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AN: I apologize for the long wait. Please enjoy!


After a few minutes of silence, the crowd started to become lively again. Although the main topic of their conversations was related to how cute or endearing the God of Love had just been. Was that the true nature of the God of Love? Many discussed how different it was compared to the cold and indifferent persona he had portrayed over the last decade. His reaction was something which could only be described as pure and innocent affection. Something which many adults had lost as they were exposed to the darkness of the world. Yet the traumatized youth who had been exposed to some of the worst forms of despair could somehow possess such an untainted form of love and childlike instinct. Over half of the mortals felt an overwhelming urge to protect such a precious existence. Especially the disguised adult dragons seated throughout the hall.

"Dongsaeng's so cuuuuuteee~"- God of Judgment

"Can I please keep him, Salm? Please~"- God of Fate

"Noona! Don't!"- God of Time

"Such a question must mean you have a death wish. Isn't that correct, Moira?"- God of Life

"I-I don't!"- God of Fate

"Amias is an existence that not even you as a God has the right to 'keep'. Never ask or suggest such a ridiculous thought again. Or else."- God of Life

"Yes, Salm..."

"Angelina. Restart the video."- God of Life

Fuchsias and pale blues glanced over at the Sun God who hastily complied with the ancient entity's command. Each one knew not to say or do anything that would further upset such a powerful and frightening existence. Especially not after the God of Fate's reckless comment.

However, the sound of papers moving alerted him that they weren't alone.

Silence immediately filled the hall as all attention returned to the video playing on the screen.

Quickly, he looks up towards the source of the sound and sees a dark elf staring at him.

Multiple people leaned forward in visible anticipation. Would the deity get upset due to the sudden intrusion? Or would he actually tolerate it since they had a common goal?

<Can we skip this next part?>


<I really don't understand why you keep showing them such unnecessary things...>

"Only you think they're unnecessary, Amias."- God of Time

"We'll do what we do best, so just relax and slack off a bit. Alright?"- God of Fate


The man's dark brown eyes were watching him very closely.

<Who the f*** is that? Why is he in my f***ing room?>

"His Highness, Crown Prince Alberu, broke into your bedroom to have a 'chat'" answered the short haired priestess with a mischievous grin on her lips.

Her best friend was hiding his own smirk behind his hand while trying to not laugh. A clear liquid which looked similar to water was in their cups. One which they had discovered was far stronger than all of the alcoholic drinks they had tasted so far.

The prince can see the redhead's face become even paler. He was amazed that it was even possible for skin to go that white.

"His physical condition is extremely concerning," whispered a disguised elf medic.

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