Chapter 19

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Unease began to fill the majority of the crowd of mortals when what would've been the third day within their world ended. The God of Love who had unexpectedly disappeared from the hall still had not returned and only a select few seemed to be apprised of the reason. Every single adult could see that the deity's young flock was gradually becoming distressed as they each struggled to be patient. Each one wanting to search for their missing guardian. Of them, the baby dragons were the most stubborn. With the eldest of the tiny trio having dragged his new golden grandpa to search the numerous rooms and garden they had been permitted access to. By the morning of what would be the fourth day, the timers on their screens at last started their countdown.


Hastily, the four years old raced through the air back towards the massive hall. When he arrived, his wide sapphires searched for the very entity who made him feel safe and loved. Unshed tears burned his eyes as he failed to locate that very person. With a downcast expression, the raven haired child turned to continue his search. His mind, a chaotic storm of questions. Just where in the realms had he gone? Why hadn't he taken him with him?

"Raon. Look," instructed Eruhaben calmly.

A gentle hand touched the boy's back. Drawing his attention towards the screen at the front of the room. Reptilians shook as the door next to it opened to reveal a stunning being with overly long snowy locks which had been pulled up into a skillful updo. What appeared to be expertly handcrafted ruby and sapphire blossoms inlaid in rose gold delicately rested atop his head like a crown. Accentuating his horns which appeared to have grown longer and more exalted in their appearance. Adorning his ears, wrists, fingers and neck were the usual expensive looking divine items. Even the way the blood red and gold robes flowed around him as he gracefully strolled over to his third youngest son was absolutely breathtaking. Yet none of that compared to his overpowering holy aura which caused every single person's instincts to shout at them all to bow and worship his superior majesty.

"Papa!!!!" cried out the baby dragon in sheer relief.

Tears poured down the four years old's cheeks as he launched himself into the youth's awaiting embrace. Burying his face in his father's warm chest in the process. Not even the soft kiss on the top of his head was enough to convince him to release his tight grasp on his guardian's silk clothes. Sobs filled the air around them. Gradually, dying into quiet hiccups and sniffles as the child who had refused to sleep over the last several days finally was coaxed by his father to the realm of dreams. Not even the soft handkerchief lightly wiping his face disrupted his slumber.

<Looks like Raon missed me a lot.>


Enlarged golds stared in bewilderment at the gorgeous freckle faced woman who was cleaning the tears off her baby's swollen eyes. On her lips was an extremely affectionate, understanding smile. One of a mother peering down at their precious child. When her sapphire reptilians at last focused on him, the ancient blond subconsciously found himself swallowing. Such a dominating presence alone proved that the former Dragon Lord had been revived. In fact, she had clearly surpassed the mortal limitations which had restricted her soul.

"Is there something on my face, Eruhaben?" Sheritt inquired while covering her sleeping baby with a plush blanket she had summoned from her menu.

"No, Milady," answered the 1,007 years old man respectfully.

His use of such a formal title caused the ancient entity in front of him to chuckle.

"Please feel free to address me by my name."

Once she saw him nod to confirm he understood her request, the eldest of Love's immortals swiftly searched the gathering crowd of mortals. Soon her piercing gaze landed on a man with magically dyed white gold hair. She saw how his irises trembled a little in fear and longing when he realized she was looking at her. To everyone's amazement, the sharpness within her gemlike sapphires transformed into a noticeable warmth. Her hand extended towards the existence who possessed the heart of her other child.

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