Chapter 14

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Directly before the timer ran out, the golden haired deity returned with a man who was carrying two large barrels of liquor. She motioned for him to set one down in front of her chair. The other one she had him place over next to her precious dongsaeng's sofa. Drowsy reptilians focused on the unusual entity who did not appear to be mortal. His hair flowed down his back like it was liquid fire. Feline irises peeked at the God of Love who was just waking up from his nap. To think there existed a being that his lady would willingly spoil with her alcohol like this. His golden gaze attentively traveled along the youth's slender frame. His appearance was mesmerizing. Possibly even more than the Sun God's spectacular looks. Long snowy eyelashes framed his stunning gemlike silverish emerald eyes. His tanned skin was flawless and contrasted very nicely with his pristine white hair. Even his lips were quite plump and extremely kissable. Unintentionally, the man leaned over the baby deity who was now staring up at him in a slightly dazed state.


There was a coldness to his lady's voice as she firmly said his name. Just as he turned to look at the elegant blonde, he noticed a series of blades were aimed directly at his neck. Two of them were even being held by children. Of the kids, one was a boy whose presence reminded him of the irritating Wolf who often snuck into his lady's warehouse. Frowning as he recalled the ancient beast, he looked back at the 18 years old whose face was still expressionless. Between them now were well over a dozen mana barriers of various colors. Each one had been cast by a different person. Dragons. Humans. Even a dark elf. This only added to his intrigue.

"Stay away from Oraboni!" shouted the little girl in anger.

Sharp golds focused on the trainee swordsman. A weak human dared to actually tell him, an immortal Divine Beast favored by the Sun God, what to do? His eyebrow twitched due to his increasing annoyance. In what seemed to be an instant, his clawed hand shot between the weapons and grabbed the tiny brunette's face. No mortal had ever defied him and lived. One squeeze would be more than enough to end such a pitiful pest.

"How dare-"

To his shock, a hand which felt like it was on fire grabbed his neck and mercilessly slammed the large warrior into the ground. At the same time, a suffocating pressure which could not even compare to his lady stole his breath and made it impossible for him to move. Almost as if he was being restrained by invisible shackles. His felines shook when they looked up in terror at a glowing set of piercing reptilians. Hundreds of rose gold sparks flickered along his elegant form.

"Don't you f***ing dare touch my sister!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"- God of War

"F*- Freaking battle junkie."- God of Peace

"He did just try to harm Dongsaeng's cute dongsaeng~"- God of Judgment

"This isn't going to be pretty..."- God of Purification

"I'm going on vacation. Don't f***ing-" - God of Death

"Ruslan. Let's go have another chat."- God of Life

"That's definitely an interesting way to take a vacation..."- God of Communication

"Salm! Come back! We need you to calm Amias if things go badly!"- God of Fate

Unaware of the conversation that was currently happening, the mortals watched the scene play out in utter bewilderment. None of them had expected such a reaction. Yet they realized that there was only one reason for it. One of his precious people was in danger. Additionally, for him to be able to lift up and smash someone who was larger than him in a single movement like that had to require a certain amount of strength or combat skill. Quaking blues stared at the back which was protectively shielding her from the Sun God's subordinate.

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