Chapter 17

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AN: Here is the next chapter! Enjoy!


After they had watched over a dozen videos of the cute baby God of Love, the door next to the screen burst open. Thousands of colorful entities eagerly flew into the massive hall. Each one taking on a slightly different form or color. Fluffy. Fuzzy. Prickly. Some even appeared to be on fire. Bewilderment filled those who had never seen such an existence before. For the people who had, they couldn't help grinning as their contracted elementals raced over to them. Every single one was shouting in excitement while attempting to tell the mortals about everything they had witnessed on their way there.

-You had to see it! A dual affinity world tree!

-It was nothing like the one I came from!

-To think I'd get to meet the Supreme Life's Child!

-I've never seen something as spectacular as Love's creation!

-A baby darkling! One of our newest dongsaengs is a baby darkling!

-Light! Dark! Unity! Chaos! Happiness!

Not far behind them was the youngest deity who had a tiny little violet fluff ball sitting on his head between his horns. However, as soon as it spotted the wide eyed pure blood seated with his newly adopted siblings, it darted over towards him. Irises as dark as night sparkled when the tiny darkling settled into his cupped hands.


A meek nod confirmed the elemental was correct.

-Nice to meet you, Ullie!

Pupils shook when the young dark elf received his first nickname.

"C-Can I call you Thumbelina?"

Happily, the baby darkling danced in the air around the 6 years old and proclaimed for those who could hear its voice.

-Thumbelina! My name is Thumbelina!


-Dongsaeng has a name!


While his entire flock was enthralled with the colorful entities swirling around them, the youth reclaimed his seat. Immediately, his lap was claimed by the emerald haired toddler who nuzzled into his father's warm chest. His tiny legs kicked with joy as he nibbled on a piece of chocolate.

<Angelina-noona. Please restart the video.>

Golds, fuchsias and pale blues exchanged a quick glance before the screen at the front lit up.

They were still sharply glaring at him. Distrust and wariness were visible behind his rage.

<Those f***ing elementals! How dare they! D*** it! I'll make them f***ing pay for this!>

Everyone watched as every single elemental froze in terror when they heard the enraged deity's words. After a brief moment, they all started to hide from the God of Love's view. Confusion and curiosity radiated out of the newborn darkling who nestled into its contractor's neck.

"I know I overstepped, but you can be mad all you want later. Right now we need to discuss the terrorist attack that's supposed to happen in a few hours. Alright?"

"Ha— Alberu. Even if you are direct about your intentions, revealing you know another one of his secrets will only make the situation worse," sighed Tasha while preparing them both a fresh cup of herbal tea to drink.

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