Chapter 22

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After confirming that her dongsaeng was done explaining things to his curious flock of children, the Sun God casually waved her hand. Instantly, the screen lit up as the video continued to play.

"Young Master."

Hidden within the crowd, the man who had just spoken stiffened up in his seat. Anxiety filled him as he realized what his future self was about to do. There was no doubt his current and potential future employers were going to witness him break the strict etiquette servants must abide by while serving their masters. His gloved hands trembled behind his back in fear. Without a doubt, he'll be fired. That was if he didn't dig an even deeper grave for himself.

He stops when a voice calls out to him. A man with mauve hair had approached him.

Numerous gazes focused on the man displayed on the screen.

"Your future self had better have had a good reason for making the young master late to a Royal event," frowned the head butler of the residence in the capital.

His tone was cold which showed his disapproval of the other's actions. Yet his expression was not even close to as terrifying as the ones on Ron or the Countesses' faces. Even the deity's younger siblings and his older children were glaring at him. Causing him to nervously swallow the rapidly growing lump in his throat.

His brown irises were trembling with fear.

"The only reason he has to be scared is if he's doing something wrong," muttered a knight who served the Orsena Household.

<He is.>

<Ah! If I'm not mistaken this guy is the b****'s husband.>

"Ho~" gasped Eruhaben, whose golds had become molten in anger. It was obvious now what the lowly ranked human was planning to do. Gold dust started to materialize in the air around him in response to his emotions. At the same time, Dragon Fear surged forth from himself and the other adult dragons throughout the large chamber.

"Is he married to the maid from the day prior?" queried the Crown Princess of Breck.

A small nod from the torture expert confirmed her suspicion which worsened the moods of those who hadn't realized his identity yet.

"He better not be planning to do what I think he is, right?" whispered Eric to the heiress of Ubarr.

"I think he is," replied Amiru with a grim expression.

"Just ignore him!" shouted someone within the crowd.


His tone was cold as he responded. It was obvious why he had come to find him.

"If you know he's breaking etiquette, reprimand him!" advised an elderly nobleman from Roan's Northwest region. His hands tightly grasped his drink while he contemplated various methods of punishment that could be used for this situation. Should he send his trusted advisor to assist in the Henituse County's purge? Even the King was considering joining the purge. Or rather, taking charge of the entire process. Potentially even employing Royal Knights and servants to replace these disrespectful, unwanted wastes of space.

"Fire him! There's no reason to keep disrespectful staff around" suggested an irritated Viscount from the Roija Kingdom.

"D-did you really have to abuse my wife for something as harmless as talking?"

"ABUSE?!!!" exclaimed Cage in disbelief and anger. "How dare you accuse the God of Love of abusing someone!! All he did was rebuke her!"

Her childhood friend stabbed a piece of juicy pork with a sharp knife and added, "Which is by far a much more merciful punishment than she should've gotten."

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