Chapter 15

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AN: My hours at work will be changing over the next couple weeks. Please be patient as I adjust to the new schedule. I will do my best to keep updating chapters! Thank you and enjoy!


Several hours flew by in a blink of an eye as hundreds of humans either ran for their lives or hid from the various other races. How in the world were they supposed to know that the one they had once believed was trash was actually the God of Love, Happiness and Sacrifice? Why did they have to suffer because of their past mistakes? Every time one of the 'prey' was found, they ended up suffering from broken bones or various other painful attacks. Even magic had been permitted for this twisted hunting game! Yet their fate was more like a dream than what those who had skulls on their screens were experiencing. Anyone who had ever tried to kill the baby deity were subjected to games far worse than simple physical torture. Theirs also included mental and emotional torment which would break anyone who had a weak mind.

By the time that the youth woke up from his slumber, almost every single person who had abused him as a child had been removed from the hall. Each one was either trying to recover, hiding from the hunters or continuing to be tortured by the God of Judgment inside the dungeon.

Groggily, the 18 years old rubbed his silverish emeralds prior to rolling towards the familiar warmth resting next to him. His face quickly buried into the black haired entity's chest. A hand gently stroked his head while the ancient being smiled affectionately at him. Resting on their lap were three tiny dragons and a sleeping toddler. White divine energy flowed around each of their tiny sleeping forms. As if to protect them, but there was another purpose to it. He could see how it gathered and swirled over top of their chests. They had each been blessed by the God of Life.

"Did you have a good sleep, Sweetie?"


Nodding ever so slightly, the younger of the Gods cuddled even closer to their parent. He had not been able to enjoy this sort of comfort in a very long time. His undisguised wings fluttered in happiness which caused the God of Life's smile to grow even wider. Tucking some stray snowy white strands behind their child's ear, the ancient Divine Dragon murmured.

"My Love is truly the cutest existence in all the realms."

<I'm not cute!>

Tired reptilians peeked up at the older deity who chuckled quietly when he mentally protested their remark. However, a strong tingling sensation was rapidly spreading throughout his body.

"Shall we let the mortals decide which of us is right?"

Their question caused their child to stare at them in absolute horror.


Suddenly, movement came from his second youngest son. Soon a pair of shimmery emeralds were gazing up at the duo. A delighted grin formed on the little boy's lips. His arms reached for the youth who instinctively pulled his child into his warm embrace. On the toddler's back were now a pair of fluffy white wings which immediately caught the noble's attention.


"He is a member of the Ensynthai Race after all."


Searching through his records, the God of Love found the memory of the races found within the Forest of Dreams. Ensynthai. A race which becomes immortal upon reaching adulthood due to the awakening of their dormant divine powers. Each one was born with the ability to sense and even manipulate others' emotions. Although they also inherit traits unique to their individual tribe. Of those abilities, the most common were the ability to control mana or having a strong affinity to animals. An Ensythai is an existence the humans back in Kim Rok Soo's world would often refer to as angels. Although only those who directly obtain a blessing from a God will grow wings. Even if their powers had not yet fully awoken.

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