Chapter Twelve

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David's POV

"Err...wh...what...are..." she stammered.

"Cut it out" I said coldly. She flinched

"Christie why?" I  asked but she looked confused.

"Why what?" she asked.

Christie's POV

This was the first time in seven years that Dave entered my room.

"Christie why?" he asked. Why what? What did i do? I'm totally confused.

"Why what?" I asked. He came closer and I moved back till my back hit the wall.

"I loved you Christie. You were my sister. Yet you betrayed me. You made everyone pay more attention to you and less to me. Now, because of you, Angel is gone" he said in tears.

When did anyone pay attention to me? I didn't ask for attention. Everyone just paid attention to me.

"Dave, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen this way. I never asked for attention. No one meant to leave you out" I said.

I gathered enough courage and went to him. I took his hands in mine and looked at his face. To say Dave was handsome is an understatement.

"I promise to make things right" I said.

He frowned. "How?" He asked.

"I'll surely find a way. I'm sorry sorry you felt left out. I promise it wasn't intentional" I told him and he smiled.

Dave pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry" he whispered.

"Me too" I said.

"Lets go somewhere" I said pulling him.

We went to Mira's house.

"She's by the pool" the housekeeper said.

We went to the pool. Mira was seated with her legs in the water. She was obviously lost in thought.

I pushed Dave towards her and he went to sit beside her. I stayed back watching them.

Angella's POV

"I'm sorry" I heard someone say beside me.

I was shocked to see David. I knew he was going to come but I didn't think it was this soon. He told me everything.

"Lily never asked for attention. She just has this aura that make people want to be with her all the time" I said.

"I just realized that" he said.

"Princess came with me" he added and I stood up.

She was standing far away. Very excited, I ran to hug her

"I missed you" I said.

"Me too" she replied

"Lets go in" I said pulling the both of them with me.

They sat in the living room and I went to change my clothes.

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