Chapter Seventeen

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(Memories in italics)

I made a research about my real parents and didn't see anything about them. Only basic things that I already know.

I saw a picture of them though. They were at a Charity event.

I hadn't spoken to mum, dad and Dave. I avoided them as much as I could even though we live in the same house.

I didn't let dad drive me to work anymore. You could call my actions childish, I don't care.

Mira and James visited often. Although, Mira stayed with Dave most of the time but she still spent time with me. James is the best friend a person would ever wish for.

My 25th birthday is in few days. Trust me, I have no plans of celebrating it.

Three days before my birthday, a man came visiting. Dad called all of us together. James and Miranda included cos they are family too.

He introduced himself as the Smith's personal lawyer. He told me some things about my parents.

But I don't have a memory of them. I requested for a picture and be brought out a family picture that included the three of us.

Looking at their picture stirred up something within me. I felt a sharp pain in my head as images flashed through my memory. I couldn't help the scream that escaped my lips as I held my head. I felt myself gradually slipping away as different voices called my name. Eventually, I passed out.

"Mum, dad is back" I yelled as I hugged him.

"How are you my princess?" he asked with a big smile as he carried me in his arms

"Fine but I missed you so much" I said and pecked his cheek. Mum came down the stairs and came to hug dad. He had to put me down to hug her.

"I bought a lot of things for you" he said and took us to his room.

He bought a lot of yellow stuffed toys for me.

"Thanks dad" I said and hugged him.

I opened my eyes and the first person I saw was mum. She was crying. Her eyes were red and puffy. She didn't notice I was awake until I slipped into darkness again.

My dreams were filled with memories.

The story is gradually coming to an end.
Thanks for reading 😘

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