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oh boy, this will probably be a long one. idk yet tho; i haven't worked on it yet LMAO 😍 anyways, welcome to some upcoming exquisite word choice... jk i'm working with a Lexile level of 1300. alright, onto the story!


   Upon the grand double-door swinging open, a giant room presented itself before me. Rows of bookshelves populated the humongous rooms, as intricate wooden patterns danced across the ceilings. Pillars supported on both sides, accompanied with lamps attached to their sides. A giant rug rolled across the floor, extending to a stone statue before switching directions to the left and right. Cobwebs, fallen books, and pieces of broken wood laid motionless on the floor. Archways followed above the pathway made by the carpet. I heard the doors shut with a loud thud behind me, startling me a little bit. The place was very pretty, though.

   However, as I was taking in the beautiful library, the deep growl from earlier was audible yet again, this time, clearer and more fearsome. I stood in shock and horror as a tall creature emerged from behind one of the bookshelves. Oh my god, its features were something straight out of a nightmare. A nightmare would be an understatement. The doors opening and shutting must've alerted it out of hiding.

   The creature was way taller than me, and was rather skinny. Speaking of skinny, its skin seemed to be made of human-like flesh, winkles forming in many spots. It had bones sticking out of its chest, which I could only assume it's its ribcage. The arms were unproportionally long compared to the rest of its body; they reached down to its ankles. Its legs were also long, adding feet to its height. However, the most terrifying feature of all was its head. The creature lacked eyes, ears, or a nose. All that was visible were its giant, gaping mouth. The mouth was almost as big as the head itself, as rows of sharp, blood-stained teeth lay in a circular fashion, covering the walls of its mouth. 

   As it stepped out, the lights began to flicker frantically. I was too terrified to move, and watched helplessly as the creature began to walk towards me, heavy footsteps following. However, the creature, instead, ran off to the left, the lights stopping their flickering. Letting out a sign of relief, I slowly began to explore the library. However, as soon as I started slowly walking, the creature let out a bloodcurdling bellow and I could hear its footsteps coming towards me. Seeing that it was rapidly approaching my direction, I immediately began to run to my right. 

   The chase was on. I could feel its heavy footsteps getting faster and faster, inching closer with every second that passed by. The books around me were also bouncing up and down, and the unearthly cries of that thing blasted in my ears. As I turned the corner, I suddenly saw a closet! Without hesitation, I immediately jumped into the closet and shut its doors as fast as humanely possible. I watched through the crack as the creature stood in front of the closet, examining it. Realizing it was probably checking if I were in the closet, I began to control my breath in a steady rhythm. 

   My mom was a yoga instructor. Every now and then, as a child, I'd follow her to her classes and would do the stretches with her. A key part of yoga was breathing, so I learned how to breathe in and out slowly and to expel anxiety, fast heart rate, and fear out through my airways. Using the tactics she had taught me years ago, I was able to bring my heart rate down, and my breathing was regulated. After maybe 30 seconds of closely listening, the creature then wandered off, roaring disappointedly. 

   I waited a little more. While I was in the closet, I suddenly remembered that Hide was going to manifest soon if I didn't get out. I started to panic, only to realize that Hide hadn't come yet, even after staying in for a while. This led me to believe that the other creatures are scared of this creature, hence why neither Hide nor Rush appeared. I mean, how could I blame them? That thing is probably Satan's pet dog guarding a library. After I was completely sure it was gone, I got out of the closet.

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