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A/n at the moment I'm writing this in class. I hope you have a nice day.


Harry's POV

The girls played in the living room while I was getting the last few things. You'd think he would miss it after all these years spent in the house.

But truth be told he would not. Well, perhaps a few things. Mostly the girls playing. I do hope they will adapt to the change quickly. Since I will tell them today.

Harry entered the living room seeing his girls playing together near the fireplace. With a proud smile. 

Adaline's POV

"Where is the bow? It will look cute with the dress" 

I asked Angy whilst straightening the doll's dress. It was a simple barbie, well a few. With an amazing castle and car.  The dress in question was a sparkly sage green one. The barbie even looks like me. 

Angela's blonde barbie, with a poodle. A pink fluffy dress and glittery tiara. We were playing with them for at least two hours.

"Under the red dress there" she pointed her finger

"Oh! Thanks," 

"I would put this crown instead of the bow, it would look better"

"You think"

"Yeah" she agreed 

I giggled and switched the two. The barbie looked perfect. Would in anything really. Harry loved spoiling his girls. Give them anything their hearts desired. 

"Girls"  harry smiled from the door


Angela dropped everything and jumped into his arms. I was fine with waving. 

"I have to tell you something"

"Did we do anything bad, daddy," I asked

"Nothing baby, just some news"

He offered me his hand and led us to the couch. Angela sitting on his left and I the right. It could not have been cozier. 

"Now that we are here, I wanted to tell you. We are moving."



"Shhh, you don't want your daddy to go deaf do you," He said calmly with an undertone in his voice.

"Sorry daddy" we both apologized

"We will be staying over at my close friend's place.  His name is Jamie Campbell Bower."


A/n  Hope you liked it, consider leaving a vote and following :)

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