0.11: Headmistress Son Soojin & Headmaster Kang Jae-Hwa

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{ A/N: Soojin & Jae-Hwa are Taehyun' parents. Another reunion needed. What happened to New Monzara if they were here at the institute ?}


I sat with my parents a bit confused. Why were they here ? What about New Zara Charter ? My mother held my hands letting a giggle break the tension in the air. "You are going to pop a vein with all that worry. What is it ?" I sighed. We didn't have much time to bond, but I was happy they were excited for my return.

"여기 왜 오셨어요? 헌장은요?" (Why are you here ? What about the charter ?) My father smiled. They both seemed so relaxed. He ruffled my hair, "We came as soon as Hyun-Shik said he got word you'd be coming home. We didn't want to miss seeing you, Taehyun ah."

This felt right. My adoptive mother had done what she could for me, but I always kept her at a distance. Having my parents made coming back to the institute contrast with when I first arrived. "The charter is fine. New Zara is fine. We agreed for the charter to be a subsidiary of the institute."

They did all of this for me ? My mind drifted to my adoptive mother. Have they met her yet ? "Taehyun ah !", Ms. Seo' voice was clear & happy. She had come to see me. I hugged her as soon as she embraced me. "태현아 누구예요?" (Who are they, Taehyun ah ?), she asked taking noticed to how my parents looked a mix of uncomfortable & grateful. 

I introduced them. My father took me on a walk. Ms. Seo & my mother were talking, but even I could tell they both would've accepted ignoring each other' presence rather than talk with each other. "Why did you walk me over here, Dad ?" My father just gave an awkward smile. I assume this isn't the first time he's been in a situation like this. 

"You're mother will come around. I just think she feels threatened. I didn't want to have you involved if they start arguing." I nodded. He would know better when it came to my mother. I was still getting to know them. 

We walked in comfortable silence for a while. The institute looked more alive than when I last saw it for sure. "He really made this institute look great again. I am surprised..." My father nodded, "Hyun-Shik regardless of his faults... He was always a great leader. I am not surprised at all. He loves this place..."

All of a sudden I felt hot. My dad touched my forehead, "열이 나고 있어요. 아들아, 괜찮으세요?" (You're running a fever. Are you alright, son ?) I barely could answer before I collapsed. "TAEHYUN !", was the last thing I heard before there was nothing.

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