Dark corners and dark thoughts

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I looked into the shadows to try and spot april but all i saw was a glims of what looked like a small shadow moving around. "April....please come out. Havent i proven i wont hurt you by now?" i asked trying to coax her out of her hiding place. At first i was just starring into the darkness under my bed in complete silence when i heard a small voice start to speak, "no. humans cant be trusted. You are human."she said, her voice filled with more rage than fear. "April please come out, you know theres no where you can run now." i said as i reached my hand under the bed. My shoulder was too wide for me to put it any deeper and i still couldnt reach her. 'Why did i have to buy such a big bed?' i thought as i tried to reach april. I understand shes scared but have never actually hurt her, why is she still scared of me?

Aprils pov:

Why didn't he get it? If he were in my shoes he would be shaking in fear. Seeing his giant hand keep trying to reach me was a bit more than unnerving.

  I shut my eyes tight and tried to ignore his pleas for me to come out. No way. Once i opened my eyes i saw that he wasn't reaching for me or even on the ground anymore,he was standing up. I suddenly heard the loudest, worst and scariest  sound i have ever heard. The soudnt of the legs of the bed being scraped across the floor. Was he, moving the bed?! No! I looked up as the light illuminated my previously dark corner.

I used my hand to shield my eyes from the light. Suddenly a shadow was cast on me. I looked up to see he was reaching for me. I stood up and ran from one side of the bed to the other in seconds, normally i wouldn't be able to run this far this fast but the adrenaline made me much faster/stronger than i should be. He was still reaching for me but he had to push the bed more to be able to fit between it and the wall. I had reached the wall. I was cornered by him. His hand finally reached me and started to wrap its fingered around me when i, without thinking, bit him. Yes, I bit him. He moved his hand away in spires, i saw blood dripping from where I bit him. I didn't even know I could bite that hard. I took this opportunity to run between his legs and into the open space of his room.

I needed to get away. And fast.

   "Oh, no you dont." i heard him say with a slightly irritated voice. That scared me. I looked ever my shoulder to see his hands to close to dodge. I was trapped.

I looked at  him one last time with teary eyes. They were a mix of sad and angry tears. As i was both desperately sad as i thought this would be my last living day i was also insanely mad at the world that put me in this situation and this boy who was doing nothing but make it worse. And scaring me to the point i was paralized. I shut my eyes tight, i refused to look the monster in the eye as i knew thats what he would want.

      He lifted me to his eye level when i opened my eyes, but the only thing was blackness. I looked around but only saw blackness. Until i heard it. My mothers voice. I looked around but couldnt see her. "You failed us. You managed to break the one rule we had tried so hard to instill in you. Dont get caught." i heard my mother say in a hatfull and disappointed tone. "N-no i-i didnt mean to! I promise!" I yelled out  hoping my "mother" would hear me and not be so mad. "No this is all your fault. If you hadnt been so needy we wouldnt have died." said my moms voice, only it didnt seem like it was coming from somwhone out side but it came from inside my head. "April!" i heard the faint voice of someone calling my name but i ignored it.

     "No mom! I didnt do a-anything!" i yelled through sobs, it was my fault. My fault they were gone. "April! What's going on!?" i heard this time slightly louder. I couldnt focus on anything other that all the hatfull things my mother had been says in my mind. I was trapped in a prison of my own mind.

"APRIL!!" I heard someone yell. I flinched in surprise when I looked around to see the human standing with me in his hand. It had all been in my head. The words of my mother, the darkness, the feeling of guilt I felt for my parents disappearing had gotten the best of me. I must have looked insane."w-what happened '' I looked around teary eyed. "You were running one minute and the minute my hand touched you you looked like you'd seen a ghost and weren't  responding with anything but sobs and sorrys" he replied sounding genuinely concerned. "Are you ok? What was that?" he asked but i didn't have an answer.' No. i was not ok i was in the hands of someone who could kill me with a flick of his finger.' is what i wanted to say but i really didn't want to have to deal with a mad human, they were bad enough just annoyed. I just looked away from him and decided to accept it, I was never getting out of here.

I kept my head turned away from the human, I couldn't,no I wouldn't look him in the eye. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw his finger coming, I tried to scoot away but was met with a wall of fingers. I shut my eyes tightly and felt the tip of his finger start to move my head to face him, "april, i'm sorry you're scared but please... look at me." he said as i tried but failed to pull my head away. Even though I was facing him i still kept my eyes tightly shut. "Well I guess we're doing this the hard way," he said with mischief lining his voice,' what is he planning?'  I was a little scared I had pushed his limits. Then i felt it, his fingers were poking my stomach. Not this again. My eyes shot open when a laugh erupted from my throat.

I was met with a proud look from the human, I really needed to learn his name. I started pushing his fingers away but he just kept tickling. I tried but failed to hold in a laugh. "Not this time." he said looking in my eyes, he was enjoying this. I sent him a death glare. If glares could kill he would be long gone by now. "Don't get grumpy with me, you're the one who bit me!" he said laughing himself.

   "Aren't you the one who literally moved a bed just to reach me when I obviously didn't want to come out?" I asked with a bit of sass in my voice. "Point taken." he said stoping with the tickles. God i felt like such a child. I was being tickled by a human and i was powerless to stop it. 

"Wwell i think i know what will cheer you  up." he said sounding happy, too happy. I gave him a suspicious look. He brought me over to his chest and dropped me into his shirt pocket. "Hey!" i yelled trying to get out of the pocket. I was me with a finger pushing me back down to the depths of the pocket. "I need two hands, and i cant trust you to not run." he said with a mocking 'i had no other choice' tone. Ugh im not a kid who needs to be watched at all times! Im seventeen for gods sake! He shrugged his sholders and started to walk.

Noah's pov:

I know she probably, no definitely didn't want to be in the pocket but what was I supposed to do? I didn't want another 'almost stepping on april' moment. I looked down at her one more time before I walked back over to my bed that was now, thanks to her hiding under it, pushed very far from where it was supposed to be.

I pushed my bed back and headed to the kitchen. I looked down to see April at the bottom corner of my shirt pocket staring daggers at me. I smiled and looked away. Now, I grabbed a bag of marshmallows from the pantry and put some popcorn in the microwave. We are going to have a movie marathon to get us both more used to each other, also i really wanted to cuddle april. Even though she looked around my age I still thought she was absolutely adorable. "We are going to sit down and watch a movie. Once we've calmed down maybe we can do something else but for now we both need to relax a little. Especially a certain someone. Ok?" I asked less of a question and more of a statement. "No way am I watching a movie with you!" she yelled.

   "Too bad." I replied feeling a bit bad about not giving her a choice and using the power i held over her to do as i pleased but this was the only way i could get her to relax. The microwave beeped and I felt her jump, I chuckled slightly and was returned with a small elbow being shoved into my chest. "My mom won't be back until really late tonight so don't worry about being seen by anyone else.'' I said, trying to make her feel at least a little safer.

I grabbed the popcorn out of the microwave and poured it into a bowl. Once I had popcorn in one hand and marshmallows in the other, and walked over to the living room and plopped onto the couch trying to be mindful of my tiny passenger. "I'm gonna get you out in a second, ok?" I said as I placed popcorn and marshmallows on the coffee table and turned on the tv. I heard some noise that resembled a quiet 'ok' so I reached into my front pocket to retrieve april. She wiggled a bit in my hand but I wasn't going to let her fall. "Why hello there miss snappy." i said when greeted with a rather angry little person, at least she wasn't scared. "Hello mr. giant jerk." she said with an eye roll. I smirked. "Do you have any movies in mind?" I asked the tiny girl sitting in my hand. "Never seen one." she said with a shrug. "What!?" i said louder than expected, I saw as she covered her tiny ears. "Sorry i didn't mean to yell, it's just how have you never seen a movie?" "Well given the fact they don't make tvs for my size and I, until today, have never been this close to humans. So it would be a bit hard to see a movie" she replied with a snarky look to go along with it.

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