tired but full of energy

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 Shit. i can't be falling for a four inch person right?......right?

I picked April up to head to bed "heyyyyy I'm not even tired!" she yelled as I headed towards the stairs. "It's either me or Jayden but you're going to sleep either way." I said with a slight chuckle, "you called?" Jayden said as he suddenly appeared next to me, i jumped slightly at the startle though not enough to disturb April luckily. "Well our little guest is being given the choice of where to sleep." I replied, "Any input?" "Well I would like to say that she needs to pick fast cuz I'm going to bed." he said with a tired smile. "Ugh fine ill sleep with Noah.'' April said in sleepy annoyance.

I expected her to pick me due to the familiarity but apparently Jayden had assumed that she would want to sleep with him, wait. That sounds so wrong, ok, sleep on him just because of his childish charms.

"What did I do?" asked Jayden with a pout. "Nothing, I just know how to get away from this buffoon, though I have no idea about your methods of restraining me." she replied with a sassy smirk, she yawned near the end and it was just about the cutest thing i have ever seen. I don't think she or Jayden could see my blush due to the dark of the room and for that, I was grateful.

"Fair." Jayden's short reply was unexpected but he was tired so I thought little of it. "Wait, you couldn't get away from me if you tried." i said with a fanned hurt and some sarcastic confidence thrown in there as well.as i started moving up the stairs to my awaiting bed i herd april grumble a grumpy reply that was to quiet for me to hear and felt her shift into a curled position on my hand, probably soaking up all the heat she could get.

I smiled and moved my hand closer to my chest. I slowly opened the door to my room and set her on the nightstand. She was out cold and I walked to the bathroom to change into some shorts and no shirt. It would be summer break in just a week, meaning that it was already hot as hell in my house.

I walked over to my bed and swiftly and gently picked April up from the night stand, layed down, and set her on my chest, placing my hands over her. I used both hands as an extra precaution, based on what she used as a reason to sleep here and not with Jayden. I felt she was planning another one of her famous escape plans and it was school tomorrow, meaning I had no time for her shenanigans.

"Good night" I mumbled as i was lulled to sleep by the calming sounds of the still busy street and the quiet patter of calm rain on my window.


Next morning.(still Noah's pov since I'm lazy)


I could've sworn I heard a tiny voice, though it wasn't the normal annoyed voice of April that I had gotten used to these past two days. Instead it sounded hushed and rushed (heh it rhymes) it sounded like a boy too, it sounded just as small as April though so it couldn't be Jayden. As if he would come into my room unannounced. I remembered how he and April met and realized that yes, that was indeed something my brother would do. However even his "gentlemen" self couldn't be that quiet.

That's when I felt a sharp pain like being stabbed with a toothpick shot up my leg. I Opened my eyes and looked over to my leg, shocked and confused but what I saw was even more shocking. There was another tiny person standing right next to my leg with a long shard of glass covered in what could only be my blood. It looked almost like a small sword. "Wh-who are you!?" I said in surprise. As I reached my hand (after taking it off April) over to the tiny man. "Stay back, human!" he said, holding his makeshift sword up as if warning he would cut me if i reached any closer. I stopped my hand from moving. "Put the girl down." he said with anger lacing his voice. I don't know why but i did, i put April down onto my legs.

I realized that she had been struggling in my hand though i hadn't noticed in all the confusion. "Thank you!" she yelled running over to the boy, he looked to be a few years older than her but he didn't look any older than early 20's. "Wait April!" I said as I reached my hand over without thinking. I was met with a swift slash of the makeshift glass sword. I pulled my hand back quickly to look at the cut, there was a straight cut across the top of my palm. I am angry now.

I looked back to see they were gone. 'What just happened?' I thought to myself as I looked around my bed to see where they had gone but they were just that, gone.I got out of my bed carefully in case they were still on it and looked under it knowing that's where April had hidden last time. I didn't see anything, no movement.

"April I'm sorry for scaring you and your.. Um friend? but Please come out, you know what happened last time!"

I said walking around my room, ignoring the pain in my leg from where I had been stabbed by the tiny glass sword . I looked over to my nightstand to make sure i had time and i realized it was only 4, I had time but I would be sleepy as hell when I got to school. Luckily my door was closed and with a shirt informing me of the edge in case something like this happened. That meant They couldn't have gotten far.

April's pov:


I woke up to someone shaking me awake, the only thing is the hands that were shaking me weren't giant. 


i know its short but i thought that it was better than none and i wanted to show how happy i am that so many people found and liked my story that I had originally assumed would only see a few people if any at all! love ya! <333

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