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I looked to jaden with a pleading look, this was the moment that decided if my entire species would be put on the line... all because i just had to get caught by a human. 9 years in solitude, you'd think after that long i wouldve been able to think of a way to avoid sight. Or at least find a way to escape. Sure noah hadnt hurt me, but that doesnt mean he wont. For all i know this was all just a trick, all just him trying to find more. For all i know he got what he wanted, and i would be of no more use to him.

    I was snapped out of my trance when a giant finger poked me in the side, not quite hard enough to leave a bruise but hard enough to startle me out of my thoughts.
I looked up to see the two brothers staring at me. I started shaking under their gaze. "Hey, april a-are you ok?" asked Noah, breaking the silence suddenly. "I-im sorry." I said looking away, I was apologizing,apologizing for revealing my whole species, apologizing for not staying hidden, apologizing for not keeping my guard up. All my life I was told not to trust humans, all of that was thrown out the window when I entered that backpack. Mother would be disappointed.

Jaden placed a finger under my chin and lifted my head to face him. I looked in his eyes expecting to see mischief,anger, maybe even pride. Surprisingly none of those emotions showed, only, only confusion and was that, pity? I hate pity.

I tried to pull my head away but he was much stronger than me. "April, it's ok.sorry if i scared you." said jaden in a calm voice, being mindful of my small ears. "y-you're not gonna hurt me?" I asked, in disbelief. "After all this time here.... You still think I'm going to hurt you?" asked Noah with a slight smile. "Yes. all humans do is destroy! Humans took my parents! Humans are the reason I've been on my own for 9 years! 9 years! My entire life I was told not to trust humans, th-then you come along! I don't know what to do! I-i'm scared." I said, quieting down at the last bit. I was tearing up. I can't believe I just said that. How could I freak out like that? I looked between Noah and jaden. Both of them looked shocked by my sudden outburst.  

"S-sorry- '' i started but got cut off as i was suddenly held to jayden's chest, still light enough that i was fine though i wasn't able to get away, much to my displeasure.
"Don't apologize. I never thought of why you might be scared of humans, i always just assumed that it was just you not being used to us." said Noah as he tapped jaydens arm, signaling for him to let me go.

"no. I'm not going to give her to you. She obviously needs to be hugged right now." Jayden replied to Noah's tapping by pushing his hand away with his free one.

    I struggled against his grip, trying to signal that he should let go. "Fine. but at the slightest hunt of tears you're back to me." Jayden replied as he slowly moved his hand away from his chest. Noah looked down at his phone and checked the time. "It's around lunch time if you guys want me to make something," said Noah as he started to stand. Jayden reached a hand over to his brother to keep him from getting up. "It's cool. I can order us a pizza." said Jayden while putting me down onto the coffee table and pulling out his phone. "I've never tried a pizza." I said looking up at Noah.
It was true, I hadn't ever tried pizza, though I've heard from bits of human conversation that it was considered amazing in human eyes. I was, dare I say, excited to try it. 'Geez, today has been such a rollercoaster of emotions' I thought as I began to zone out of this world and into one of my own.

I can't remember what I was thinking of, all I can remember was being shocked out of my thoughts by a knock on the door, causing me to stumble back on the table. I fell on my back and heard two chuckles from the two brothers.

    I glared up at the two, only to see them already looking at me. We held the makeshift staring contest for a few minutes until Noah started to stand. "I need to get that before we lose our pizza!" he exclaimed, still being conscious of his volume. I smiled at him. "Well aren't you just the cutest." he said as he reached over for me. He received a quick slap to the wrist from his brother, causing me to giggle. Noah looked at me with a smirk. "Look who's finally warming up." he said as he made a face, resulting in more laughter. "Am not!" I called back to him as he started to walk towards the door.

    "Sorry can't hear you." he said in a mockingly sarcastic tone and shrugged his shoulders. Luckily I received justice as Jayden threw a pillow at the cocky man's head. He smiled at me and we both chuckled when we heard a few groans of annoyment from his brother. "So, what are we thinking? Movie, game? He asked obviously trying to find something to lighten the mood. "NOT a game! How would that even work?! I'm the size of a game piece." I said with sass lining my voice. "Exactly." he said with a smirk, he started to reach for me and i backed up.

"We could play monopoly and you can be my piece." he said as he reached me. I wasn't fast enough to get away from his hands and ended up once again, sitting on his palm.
"N-no! I don't even know how to play monopoly."I replied. I knew he wasn't serious but the doubt didn't leave my mind.
Eventually Noah came back with the pizza and took me from Jayden, who had been too busy teasing me for being the size of a game piece to notice his brother coming back. "Heeeyyy" Jayden whined, he may have been the older brother but he sounded like a toddler who just got told the word "no".
"She's not a toy you big oaf." Noah replied to his whines. I was smirking knowing until I heard Jayden whisper under his breath "she's the size of one." with a smirk of his own. "Ugh, can we just have pizza and not play any games." I requested. Today had been full of too much excitement already. I didn't need  anymore.

Time skip because i'm lazy

Noah's pov:

    I looked at her small form, she seemed very interested in the movie, she was watching it intently. Who knew she would enjoy a comedy this much. Sadly i was reminded that all good things come to an end as the credits started to roll and she turned to see me looking at her, "stare much?" she asked in a joking tone. She sounded sleepy.

"Time for bed everyone!" said Jayden at that same moment, as if reading my mind. As if on que april yawned at the same time. Damn she was cute. She was cute, and not cute cute baby bunny cute (though she was that too) she was also cute as in blushing and mumbling in front of her cute. Shit. i can't be falling for a four inch person right?......right?


A/n: hopefully you guys enjoyed that! I can't tell if I like it so much so it might change. :) I hope that I didn't loose TOO many people with my long absence 😅 love ya! <3

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