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Milo was swimming through his coral reef. Yes, his. Usually seahorse-mers lived together but he was separated from his pod at such a young age that when he found a new one they simply rejected his presence. So, Milo had claimed this reef as his. He kept all the coral and made sure the fish were safe.

Sure, he chose it because it was empty, but he also chose it for its wide range of seashells. He had no idea why, but seashells seemed to be attracted to this reef like magnets. He wasn't complaining. He loved collecting sea shells for both clothing and decor. He had a beautiful seashell beaded rope around his waist, it was made by hand and he loved it dearly.

    Milo was out and about collecting seashells around the reef when he spotted it-err him? A shark-mer was lurking around some seaweed, watching him a shark! Milo was temporarily stunned, eyes locked with the shark. Though when he saw the sharks tail twitch just a bit, he was suddenly in motion. He swam as fast as he could the other way. Leaving his seashell-filled bag behind in his haste. Milo looked over his shoulder to see the shark watching him with what looked like.. Sad eyes?

Milo didn't understand it. What did he have to be upset about? He was the one who just appeared out of nowhere behind a seahorse! What, was he mad about his lost meal?

Milo really should've been watching where he was swimming. If he had, maybe he wouldn't have had such bad luck to get stuck under a giant (well to him at least) seashell. He attempted to listen for the sharks movement, only then remembering why the shark had been able to sneak up on him -even with his keen ears made just for this-. Sharks made basically no noise if any at all when moving. It was what made them such scary predators.
Milo shook in his skin.

       That's when he heard it, the rumbling voice of a certain shark. Milo shook harder. "Hey, you kinda left your bag out here?" the shark spoke, almost sounding more like a question than a statement. "Uh.. i don't know if you meant to run into-or under that shell, but you can come out you know. I wont hurt you." yeah, because milo would so believe that. "Wait, are you...stuck?" asked the shark. While yes, milo was stuck. He would much rather be stuck under a seashell then out in the open with a shark. Though, the shark didnt quite seem to get that. In one sudden movement the shell was lifed off milo, and while yes, he was "free" from his shell-prison, that didnt mean he was free. He still had a shark to deal with. Milo almost had a heart attack when the shark spoke again. "Uhm, well, here you go." he said holding out the bag milo had previously dropped in all the chaos. "Well i think all the shells are there, but i dont really know. If you are missing any i can help you look." he continued, "wow, you look really shell-shocked." did, did he just make a pun??? As the shark chuckled at him own joke, milo let a small giggle escape his tightly sealed mouth. The shark looked surprised at that but he didn't say anything to give away his surprise. "Well i can get out of ur hair, though if the roles were switched i would most enjoy being in said hair." the shark winked. Milo blushed at both the idea of being in someone 10x your size's hair, literally, and the thought of having a literal shark the size of his palm in his hair. He would have fainted from all the heat rushing to his face. Just as the shark was turning to go, Milo piped up, realizing it would be rude to leave the man un-thanked. "Th-thank you!" he called after the man. "Anytime small-fry!" the shark called back, thats when he realized, he hadn't caught his name.

While the shark had already crossed quiet some distance, and milo may have been a little -or alot- afraid of him still. The shark had been nothing but nice to him, he had saved him from his seashell-prison, complemented his hair -does that count?-, and let him go freely. Not even once did he mention milo coming with him, or even hinted at him that he had the intention of eating him, the thought made milo shiver in fear.

    Milo swam faster trying to catch up with the shark. He eventually caught up with him. He barely let himself catch his breath before getting the half-man's attention. "H-hey! Wait!" he called after him. The shark stopped in his tracks. "Need something mino?" that was shockingly close to his name. "It's Milo, and I'm a seahorse. Also I'm here b-because i didn't qui-quite catch your name?" The whole sentence sounded more like one big question but it only made the shark-man chuckle. "Names, Jayden. And i like mino more." he winked at milo as he finished his sentence. "Well if you want to get to know me more, im just so handsome you couldn't stay away," he winked again, "i suppose i could show you where theres alot of beautiful shells, all up for grabs. And i could make sure you dont get stuck under anymore of them." he smirked, waiting for milos answer.

Milos first instinct was to say no, but this shark hadnt threatened him or harmed him in any way, and what did he have to go back to if he said no? All he could do would be going back to collecting seashells alone. He made up his mind. Milo decided he would go, definitely just because he wanted to see the shells Jayden spoke of, totally not because of the handsome mer standing in front of him and the heart-hurting possibility of never seeing him again. "Th-that sounds nice!" milo piped up.

Jayden just smiled and began swimming to his mysterious shell-heaven. Stopping occasionally to let milo catch up.



Even after months of knowing each other, the nicknames didn't stop, though the most popular was still mino or small fry.

Milo always got back at him though, with nicknames of his own.

(they did eventually try the hair-thing and milo LOVED it, they also ran into a sea witch that let them switch sizes for a day, lets just say milo was VERY careful and Jayden had the time of his life with having a giant-sized milo for a day.)

hi! i know ive been on a bit of a hiatus latley, -no sadly this is not me saying its ending- but i wanted to make a cute oneshot of milo and Jayden as mers on the last day of mer-may.

i bet ya'll want an explanation as to why i havnt been active, well, I HAVE WRITERS BLOCK T-T i currently am out of ideas. this one was a dream i had but i cannot think of anything to do next. anyone who has ideas, please share!!! ill try to get out a part whenever i can think of something to happen next!

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⏰ Última actualización: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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