Finally a (almost done) chapter!!!

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Quick a/n: IM NOT DEAD OR QUITING!!!! I will finish this chapter eventually but i feel bad it's not done/published so here, a half finished chapter!
Btw I have writers block so gimme any ideas u have for what should happen next plsss<3

"Why are you up so early?" Jayden nervously chuckled, I could almost feel the judging stare from Jayden's mother, I shivered at the thought of what would happen if I was under that grueling gaze.

After a few minutes of awkward conversations between Jayden and his mother -me and Milo were able to tune most of it out- Jayden's mom took some food and left for her room. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in relief, I heard Milo let out a sigh as well, Though the both of us were still a bit jumpy from the whole experience. I held a hand on Milo's shoulder as a sort of way to say 'stay here' as I went from sitting, to slightly crouching, making it so I could see over top of the shaker without being fully visible. I looked to make sure she was truly gone and not just creepily silent. Luckily she was no longer in the room with us, all I saw when I peeked was a panicked looking Jayden. He was frantically looking around the kitchen and picking up and looking behind things he thought we could be under/behind. I giggled a little at his worry.

        Milo looked at me quizzically, questioning what made me giggle about the current situation. I looked down at where he was crouching and mouthed "look" while alternating between pointing and motioning for him to come, stifling my giggles with my hand the whole time.

He looked at me as though I was insane, I gave him a look and he slowly peeled over the seasoning we were hiding behind to watch the same hilarious sight I was.
"I -I kinda feel bad." He whispered in a slightly guilty tone, though he was still giggling anyway.

Though he had a point, it was a little mean to worry Jayden, I wanted to relish in the fun for even just a bit more.
"Do you th-think he'll be mad?" Milo's giggles were fading into worry as he was still not fully trusting of Jayden or Noah. I rolled my eyes. "Fineee" I half whined as I stood from my kneeling position and walked from behind the salt and pepper shakers, Milo's hand in mine as I basically dragged him from his hiding. I smirked and chuckled as I watched Jayden still not see us as his attention was on the floor, making sure he wouldn't step on one of us I guessed.
I shivered at the thought, i decided to get his attention,
"Big idiot! We're fine!" I yelled, hoping I wasn't able to be heard by his mother, as she was still somewhere in the house. Though I had no idea where.
Jayden's head shot up the instant he heard my voice, unluckily for him, his head was directly aligned for the table. His head collided with the table, shaking the surface me and Milo had been standing on, we both fell over, laughing at Jayden's misfortune. A groan of both pain, and annoyance came from Jayden as he appeared at the side of the table, rubbing the top of his head where a bruise would surely form by tomorrow after that hit.

When he saw me and Milo laughing our asses off at his pain he rolled his eyes and scooped us up, startling both of us. A surprised yelp came from Milo as I gasped. I looked up to see Jayden's signature smirk as he walked over to the fridge, the both of us in hand.

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