Chapter 6

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APRIL 22, 1957

The drive to Pennsylvania was long and tiring but you all made it there eventually. You were stuck in the car with George and Billy while Elvis was with Colonel, Elvis, and his folks. The car ride wasn't too bad, taking note that you slept for half of it, but other than that it was rather funny. George and Billy were cracking up jokes and you were blasting the radio as you sped down the road.

Elvis' daddy was driving their car and it definitely wasn't as fast as your ride. The third vehicle was the other band members, they were also playing music but not as loud as you all were.

You arrived at the theater in Pennsylvania that night and it was surprisingly big. The stage was quite bigger than previous stages Elvis had performed on. You, George, Billy, and Elvis ran around the theater for a little bit before wearing yourselves out and before Elvis had to get ready.

You were goofing off with the band members, Billy, and George just singing random songs together and dancing around on stage. One of the very few stage managers had come out from the west wings looking for you, holding a clipboard and talking briefly through an earpiece. He tapped your shoulder and you turned around, shooting him a smile.

"Miss Hudson, Mister Presley wants you."

You stood up and began to walk backstage with the stage manager. The heel of your boots clicked against the stage and echoed throughout the space. You wore long bootcut jeans with a black belt that had a silver rhinestone buckle in the middle with a white and black striped shirt with a pair of black boots.

"What on earth could he want right now?" You asked as you made your way through the somewhat crowded backstage.

"I'm not sure, but he goes on in half an hour," the stage manager fussed.

As you reached his dressing room, his mama reached the door half a second after you, her smile almost faulting. She handed you a small tray of fruits, cheese & crackers, and pretzels. She told you it was for you and Elvis to enjoy and for him to hurry up so they could do prayer before he went on tonight. You nodded and stepped inside the dressing room.
What you didn't know before you stepped in was that Elvis' mama gave you a certain look. It wasn't a look of disgust, shame, or regret, it was a look of worry.

Elvis was her second son and she always feared of losing him, whether it was losing him to fame, drugs, or even love, she didn't want to lose him one bit, and you unknowingly put her in a position of constant worry of losing Elvis to love.

She saw it in the way he looked at you and talked about you, something you yourself had failed to notice, and she couldn't avoid it so she tried to get in the middle of it. Which would also turn out to be something she'd soon regret.

When you walked into Elvis' dressing room, he was slicking his hair back in the mirror. Without the makeup, the polished hair, and the excessive amount of sweat, you found Elvis to be extremely handsome, but everything he did would only enhance his features, unfortunately making him more and more irresistible to anyone who stared his way.

"Hey, E."

He looked at you through the mirror and smiled, putting his comb down. He leaned back in his chair and seemed to adjust his pants. You made sure the door was fully closed before walking further into the room, tray still in hand.

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