Chapter 17: Asia's Stalker and The Assassin's Pleasure🍋

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Y/N was currently doing work for his House, with Grayfia helping taking the finished documents away. It was until his phone rang, with Grayfia nodding to him to take a break.

"Go ahead, you've already finished the important business already," she assured him.

Y/N nodded, "Thank you my dear."

Y/N picked up the phone and put it on speaker, "You've reached Y/N Sparda, what can this Nephalem do for you?"

Rias' voice called out from the other end, "Y/N can you get over to Issei's place? We have a situation."

Y/N heard the eagerness in his wife's voice and nodded, "I'm on my way."

Grayfia had already gathered the remaining paperwork and put it aside. Y/N summoned Yamato to his left hand, and called Guts over to him.

"Stay with me. We are going to see my some of my harem," Y/N tells Guts.

"You sure have a lot of mates sir. Yet you fight for each and every one of them," Guts said, recalling memories of his own.

"I fight for them, and for my name that I was born into," Y/N says to the Swordsman, "The Name of Sparda is being mocked, especially by the Demons. I won't allow them to mock my name any longer."

Guts nodded, "Of course. Let's go, I'm eager to see this wife and other members of your ever growing Harem."

Y/N nods, slicing open a portal to the front door of Issei's house. Walking through, he was met with a building much bigger than what Y/n was expecting. Upon entering, Y/N saw the room that was now given to the Red Dragon Emperor's house.

"Woah! Y/N, is that you bro?"

Y/N looks up the stairs to see Issei at the top with Kiba. Issei looked like he had grown some muscle, and was doing quite well in his new home.

"Issei, how are you doing with Asia?"

"She's great! She and I have gotten along really well!"

Guts looked at Issei and shook his head, "He needs my training regiment."

"Woah there Guts," Y/N stopped him there, "That won't be necessary."

Kiba looked at Guts, then the sword, "You have a sword that looks as big as your body, you are the Black Swordsman!"

Guts looked at Kiba and nodded, "All Knights and Swordsman know of the Black Swordsman. The Half Devil who lost his master to powerful strays, and hunted thousands of them down."

Guts smirked, slightly, "It seems my reputation precedes me. Now, Y/N was called here?"

Issei remembers and ushers him up, "Yeah, come on!"

As the duo walks upstairs, they find Rias and her Peerage, as well as a few girls in school around the dining table. As Y/N had approached the table, he was able to recognize the girls. Katase, Murayama, and even Kiriyuu, all in school uniform fresh from coming out of school.

"Issei, have you been keeping me in the dark," Y/N says with a smirk, "I didn't realize you caught the hearts of the girls who would beat you senseless with kendo sticks."

Katase looked over and her smile widened, "Y/N?! Is that you? The Kendo Club missed you!"

Y/N smiled, "Going for the Nationals right? Better put my training to good use."

Murayama nodded, "Yeah, we've been doing a lot better thanks to you. Our Club hasn't been this skilled at all!"

"Well, I'm glad that you all will be going far."

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