Chapter 1

42 8 3

Tokyo, Japan

25 June 23:50 JST
From: Gugan <>
To: <>
Subject: New Beginning

Hello Ms.Aditi,

This is Gugan. Hope this email finds you in the best of health. I am not sure where to start... Just got your mail id from home. I was asked to talk to you regarding our... Firstly, let me brief about myself. I did my mechanical engineering at Chennai (2017 passed out) and currently pursuing my masters at Japan. In between, was working at a MNC for about four years before moving for my masters. That is it all about me. I don't want to bore you with any more information.

Another thing, this is my first experience to initiate a conversation with a girl over mail. I think it will take some time for me to get used to this type of communication and hope you wouldn't mind.

You might be aware of the talks happening at our homes. I think it is important for us to know about each other well before they take any step. I heard even you are based out of Chennai. If you are willing to take this conversation ahead, you can give a brief about you and your life.

Awaiting your reply.


26 June 21:20 JST
From: <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Re:New Beginning

Hey Gugan,

Happy to see your mail. My mother was saying about you but never expected you to be too fast. I am all good. Hope you are doing fine there. And how is the weather there in Japan? Are you able to manage? I have heard the place is prone to natural calamities. Better be safe. About me... I am also an engineer specialized in Computer Science graduated in 2019. It looks like you are a typical mechanical engineer guy and could sense your hesitation even in mails... Haha... Don't take any offence. I am working as a software engineer in a company at Chennai itself. Also being a girl, I was not allowed to other countries unlike you and moreover am not someone interested in leaving this place. Fortunately, my field offers sufficient opportunities in India itself so didnot have to think much. To be honest after hearing about you from my parents, didnot even expect this much from you. You can just be casual with me and yeah even am not fond of mail conversations. Your mail reminds me of my official mails with clients. It is a way too professional. I apologize if my reply doesn't match your professionalism.

And to your last sentence... I am very much happy to take this conversation ahead. Stay safe!


30 June 00:30 JST
From: Gugan <>
To: Aditi <>
Subject: Extended Conversation

Hello Aditi,

Firstly, want to clarify my side for the late reply and donot think of it as a justification. Usually, I swirl in mails but past few days were fully consumed by my project work. It was hectic for me to manage both university and household works.

To answer your questions, I don't find much difficulty with the weather here... Kind of... got used to it... Even I heard mild earthquakes are common here... Till now, I have not faced anything of that kind.

And coming to the food part, not facing much of an issue. As you might have known, I reside in an apartment near to my university and prefer to self-cook. Moreover, I get our regular grocery items in the nearby store so making it easier for me to manage. It does becomes difficult when I am held up at other activities as getting our preferred vegetarian diet gets challenging at times.

Good to know you are holding on to Chennai itself.

I never knew my hesitation was badly apparent in my mails. Reading your mail, it looks like you are a chirpy type.

Actually, I need to apologize for being too professional and you know... often my mails were confined to official purposes. I will try to make it informal over the upcoming conversations. You know what... I was always fascinated with Computer Science engineers and it is not something to gain your trust. Sometimes, we never know why such attractions happen during those days.

Hoping to carry this conversation to a better place.

Thanks for your concern. You too stay safe!


30 June 00:59 JST
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Re:Extended Conversation

Hey Gugan,

Happy to hear it. I heard from people that theyface some difficulties with food. Glad to know you are managing it well. Andyou know to cook? It is great. Not many people do it these days. You likeComputer Science engineers? I doubt

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