Chapter 15

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Tokyo, Japan

12 August 01:35
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Happy 25

Dearest Gugan,

Sweetheart... Can't explain my joy in words. I am not exaggerating but this is my best birthday celebration till date. It is not always about fun... there is something as fulfillment right? In that sense, couldn't have asked for anything better. Plenty of things to share. Where to start? Let me start with my man. I received your online order few minutes back and after seeing it, couldn't control for even minutes so am sending you this mail as soon as I received it. Loving your surprize gift, infact I am replying with your Sennheiser headphones on my head. The songs are blasting in my ears. How did you find out I love headsets? And you want to believe that you are bad at surprizes? And this is the best ever gift till date. Earlier, I used to get gifts but those worked just as a surprize and not as items. As you rightly put, they excite only till I open them and there have been few instances where my replies were faked to satisfy them. Nothing of that sort in your case, this is my close to heart surprize in these twenty five years. And can't wait to see what you have in store for the rest of my life. Haha... Coming to your next, as said Uncle and Aunty arrived by evening. And for Aunty, she surprized me with a box of home made sweets. To be honest, I have never tasted such good sweets in my life. I knew she was too sweet but just knew she was too good at preparing sweets as well. Again and again she makes me feel her own. They also gifted me, seeing it I understood you were behind. I received your watch and tell me this now. How come you chose the exact watch I was showing my parents few days back? The exact steel chain with a navy blue dial inside. Looks like we both share the same wavelength. We clicked the photos in Uncle's phone so he might be sending it anytime today or maybe tomorrow. I never realized that addition of three members could add this much happiness to my life. Again, words are not enough to thank god and universe for giving me such a beautiful family. I repeat, you are my forever blessing.

Take care my baby. Stay safe!

Love you,

12 August 07:35
From: Gugan <>
To: Aditi <>
Subject: Re:Happy 25

Dear Aditi,

From your words... I can sense your state of happiness. Person like you deserves all the love in this world and am just a small part. I am glad that you loved the headphones. Yeah... actually it is simple to ask for a surprize but I had to break my head to come up with an idea. And then I remembered you saying in an earlier mail on your room... that earphones will be on the bed. Only those addicted to music will have that habit of listening to songs at night and tend to leave the earphones on the bed itself. So... I guessed it and... yeah... good that it worked to my favour. And have told you before that I don't take credit for something with no input of mine. Your choice of watch falls under this category... Is it only you who will talk with my mother? I too interact regularly with your parents. It was your mother who told me about the watch... and Uncle shared me the product code. Actually... there was no wavelength and all... just I took the extra mile of checking with your parents. So... don't get me wrong here... that is the truth... while the headphone was my effort. No external inputs and I am totally honest with your surprize gift part. My mother right? I usually prefer sweets made by her... initially she started making it for me. Now... the circle got expanded to you as well. You are not just her daughter-in-law... You know right. And on the photos, I am yet to receive it from Dad... mostly he will be sending it soon. Secondly... I should say this to have you in my life. It is easier to understand someone expressive but you had the patience to spend time and know about me. In a way... I am really lucky to have you as my life partner.

Once again my heartfelt wishes to my birthday baby.

Enjoy life. Have fun. Take care!


12 August 23:34
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Birthday Celebration Photos
▪25 Attachments

Dear Gugan,

I hope you would have received the photos from Uncle. These are the ones clicked during the first half of the day which is before both of them arrived home. My parents didnot even allow me to make my hair and were in a hurry to click these pictures. Purposefully, I am sending these late thinking you might have seen the best ones taken on the evening party. Sharing these to spam your gallery. Haha... Have a look at these too.

Take care! Stay safe!

With love,

13 August 18:22
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Re:Birthday Celebration Photos
▪25 Attachments

Dear Aditi,

Superb collection of photos... I was waiting for something of this kind. Photos shared from my Dad's phone looked good but then my choice would be to see you this way. Imagine... you are not always going to be in a party wear when you are at home. The morning set actually looks more natural and love to see you in free hair. Moreover... you are fresh and the sunshine makes you look even fresher during the day. Simplicity is your beauty... though you wore no makeup in the birthday party as well but this black kurti even simpler and classy on you compared to the evening wear. Actually, these were the kind of photos I was expecting and my favorites so definitely not a spam as you presumed... Sorry to say but you got it wrong this time.

Take care! Stay safe!


13 August 19:54
From: Gugan <>
To: Aditi <>
Subject: Claim Approved

Hi Aditi,

We are happy to inform you that your claim no : 00001 has been approved by your families.

I checked on both sides and have got their approval. There was no issue from the groom's family but bride's mother was reluctant. Later, we shared the bride's photo taken during one of her temple visit where she had been without any makeup and the one during the engagement. Looking at both, the bride's mother too was convinced and agreed to send her daughter to the wedding stage without any makeup.

Hoping we have fulfilled your request. We are pleased to assist you with any future request. Kindly spare a minute to review our response providing stars with five being the highest and one being the least. Your rating matters a lot to us.


13 August 21:45
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Re:Claim Approved

Hello Sir,

Thank you for the response. Above all, I never expected this claim to be approved. I was a bit skeptical on you getting this request approved. Mainly, my concern was with the bride's mother as it a bit difficult to convince her on such things. All your efforts to get her approval are appreciated.

My requirement has been completely fulfilled and I am more than happy with your service.

As a result, I would rate five stars on this request appreciating your sincere and honest efforts.


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