Chapter 5

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Instagram, 09 July 12:20 JST

Hey Hey... Finish it and go

09 July, 12:30

Hi Aditi
What are you doing?

09 July, 12:45

Had my breakfast and getting ready

Too early?
I thought you would be sleeping

Times have changed Sir. Need to buy some jewels for the function. We are leaving outside to get it.

Yeah. What happened to your engagement saree? Bought it?

Oh! I forgot. Wait...

Saree looks good. Nice colour.

All this delay happened because of this colour. I heard the groom likes only pink.

Oh! Is it?

Yes I asked Aunty and she told. Tried stalking your insta profile if I could figure it out. All your profile had was just quotes. So, no other go than to ask your mom.

Yeah, mine will be filled with quotes. I am fortunate this way as my girl's profile had photos of her.

Oh! You like her?

No one could match her beauty. She is the epitome of perfect creation. Her dimple makes me admire her the whole day.

Liked a message

Even I feel jealous upon hearing about your girl. She must be really lucky to have found someone like you

You will forgot yourself as a girl and will all for her beauty

Is it? I badly want to see you both together. Are there any chances?

You will see us together soon

Did you stalk her insta profile?

Absurd question. Ofcourse, I did and am doing even now.


Everytime we both have a chat, I keep scrolling her profile. Let me tell you a secret... She doesn't know about this till now

Fortunate girl
Won't she get to know when you like her photos?

That is the catch here. I don't like any of her posts. My girl enjoys the excitement of waiting

Liked a message

Naughty fellow


Hey Gugan
Are you fascinated with quotes?

Kind of. Any problem?

Not at all

Don't you like quotes?

Mmm... Not a huge fan but I do read them

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