Chapter 13

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Tokyo, Japan

07 August 15:35
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Wedding Season

Dear Gugan,

Sorry for abruptly ending our conversation yesterday. As told, I was quite busy helping Aunty on the household things and post which became busy with the wedding purchase. You know the wedding date is getting closer and a lot of things to be purchased. Myself, Uncle and Aunty started from your house while my parents joined us in Pondy Bazaar. This time around, I wished my bridal saree and reception dresses should be chosen by both the families. Guess what? Unlike our engagement purchase, the wedding sarees didnot take much time. We chose the traditional bridal silk saree for morning and a designer lehenga for the evening reception. I think even you liked the choices, saw Aunty had shared it from the shop and we were waiting for your response. Once you liked them, we had placed the order and upon my mother's insistence we decided to buy them on upcoming Thursday owing to her religious sentiments. Aunty and Uncle were understanding enough to leave it to my mother's discretion. And another important reason for fixing Thursday is my birthday falling on the same day. You know it? I am all the more excited to celebrate it along with Uncle and Aunty this time though would have been happier if you were by my side. Anyways, I convinced myself stating we are going to celebrate it together for our lifetime if not this year. We have not finalized your wedding dress yet. Haha... Most probably, will be buying it when I go to get the sarees this week. And for you, I have attached the photos of my dresses along with this mail. You can have a look and suggest if anything needs to be altered. We picked those considering your approval too but check it once as this will be our lifetime memory.

Take care! Stay safe!

With love,

07 August 15:49
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Fw:Wedding Season
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Sorry I missed to attach the photos in the previous mail. Kindly have a look at the wedding sarees and lehenga.

Love you,

07 August 17:07
From: Gugan <>
To: Aditi <>
Subject: Re:Fw:Wedding Season

Dear Aditi,

To start with... I really loved your wedding saree and reception lehenge. Can't wait to see you in those sarees. So... nothing need to be changed on the dress front. All three of the selections seem to be really great. As you rightly said... even I was a part when these choices were made and liked it then itself. It was all like looking at it another time and to me, I stay by my decisions. Once I decide on something it will be for lifetime... I meant choices in general... Hehe... And for mine... I don't care even if you go a day before our wedding. As such... we don't have much choices left for boys... actually it is even boring to choose for us. Always it is the same shirt and pant unlike girls... who have plenty of options. Even an hour would be more than enough for you to decide kn my wedding attire. All you need to decide is the reception suite and my wedding shirt. As such, the silk dhoti is standard for wedding. Pretty much it... nothing on the ornaments side too. So shouldn't be a problem for you. And that too would hardly take few minutes for a person smart like you.

Whaaatttt... Your birthday is on Thursday... Kidding me? Yeah... even you are like me in such things. None of your social media profiles are updated with your birthday. And let me know what gift you want? It might sound weird but yeah... I am not someone found of surprizes. Mostly I ask the person for their choice... I feel surprizes will make them happy till they open the gift but asking their choice will make them remember us for a longer time. I understand it might seem absurd but then... my way of gifting has been this. Decide and tell me your choice.

You too take care! Stay safe!


07 August 21:37
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Birthday Gift

Dear Gugan,

All perfect? Then will go and buy the dresses on Thurday. And for you? Yes even Aunty told me the same thing. It wouldn't take much time to choose your shirt and suite so decided to get those while buying my sarees. You hid another secret from me? Aunty told me you love to shop for girls, she said you would be avaiable if it was to shop something for her. Looks like I am blessed in many ways. In my house, my father maximum tries to avoid joining me and mom for our shopping as he feels we consume a lot of his time. Usually, I have heard boys aren't patient enough to accompany girls for their kind of shopping. You were again different in this aspect and Aunty spilled another secret. Eager? She told us that you would help her with all the dress choices and my mom couldn't control her excitement upon hearing this from Aunty. In future, my mother might also ask you to help her with her shopping. Haha... Better be prepared for it.

Gift? Don't get anything immediately. I actually love surprizes but your idea too seems exciting. Superficially it might seem an absurd idea but you too have a valid point.

What do I like? Wait let me think... Never been put in this scenario before and that's why it is taking time.

Yeah. I like watches a lot. You could gift me a watch for my birthday.

Take care my boy. Stay safe!

Focus on your studies. Best of luck.

With love,

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