Chapter 2

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Chennai, India

30 June 21:33 IST
From: Aditi <>
To:  Gugan <>
Subject: Filling the blank

Hey Gugan,

Extremely sorry for abruptly ending my previous mail. I received a phone call in between and my laptop went into screensaver mode before ending that conversation. I pressed Enter to return back to the screen and you know the mail got sent midway. Chirpy? Do you think so? Not exactly but kind of. With some people, I tend to showcase that side of mine but usually reserved type. Never knew it was so glaring this time for you to figure it too early. And getting back to your computer science thing, I understand it is genuine. After knowing a little about you through your mails it makes me feel good interacting with you.

And this mail is better compared to your first. You need not worry, I will take care of grooming your skills.

Do you miss anything from Chennai? If anything, do let me know. Will try to arrange it through my friends.

Initially found it difficult to send emails but have now started enjoying these conversations. Do you know something? There is a pleasure in waiting for a reply and with mails it happens organically. Need not rush to reply to my mails, I won't mind even if your reply comes after a month. I am loving this surprize of waiting for your next mail. Best wishes for your studies.

I am equally excited take this conversation to the next stage.

Fingers crossed.

Take care! Stay safe!


30 June 22:03 IST
From: Gugan <>
To:  Aditi <>
Subject: Re:Filling the blank

Hi Aditi,

If you think the reply is really fast then it actually is. Your mail response was in a minute and wouldn't it be bad if mine took days to reach you. Grooming... please do... I am willing to be groomed by you. Finally... I have found a soul willing to take such efforts. I am glad to have found a spot so soon within your circle. Pleasure is always mine to interact with a person like you. Firstly, thank you for your heartfelt wishes.  Then... Not sure where to start... I feel this format of communication is exciting for you but for me it is like having to wait for a long time (though you reply within minutes). We shall continue to follow this channel for our communication. At the same time, it would be better if we could connect through any other social media platforms for an instant chat. And to answer your question... I do miss Chennai a lot but cannot leave our priorities too. Actually yes, need a favour from you as you live there. Few days back, my mother has found a bride for me in Chennai. She wants me to visit India to meet that girl.

My eagerness of not being able to meet the proposed bride makes me miss Chennai terribly. If possible, can you make arrangements for the girl to reach Tokyo?

Hoping you will fulfil my wish.

And this time it's my turn... Fingers crossed.

Take care!


01 July 19:23 IST
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Claim Rejected

Hi Gugan,

Extremely sorry to inform you that your claim no : 00001 has been rejected due to the unwillingness of the bride.


I checked with your mother on the bride details and tried if she could visit Tokyo but seems like she is not willing to leave her country rather insisted you to visit her at Chennai. Is there anything else I could assist you with?


01 July 19:29 IST
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Additional Details

Hi Gugan,

Don't you like to wait? Looks like you are always in a hurry. Just a small suggestion, let life flow in its own and you will find it even more beautiful. I don't mind giving you my social media details. Guys of this age would have already found my profile within minutes but like your genuinity. Anyways, I prefer to use Instagram over other applications which is 'itida97'. Give me a connect request and look at my instant response. Haha...

For this conversation, I preferred mails as it would be a record memory to us down the lane after years. No need to waste much time over chats, if you like me then we could ask our parents to go ahead with the proceedings.

Do you wish to proceed? Think and decide.

Once decided, you are done for life and won't have a chance. Haha... Better be careful with your decisions.

Take care!


01 July 20:15 IST
From: Gugan <>
To: Aditi <>
Subject: Re:Claim Rejected

Hi Madam,

Thank you for your swift response. I thought such claims take time to process but you were too fast to respond. Thinking of redirecting my future claims to you itself. All that matters to be is her wish and safety. As long as she is feeling secured to be at Chennai then let her be there. Will figure out a way to reach her home soon. And... that is it for now... If there is anything else, will reach out to again.

Thanks a lot!


01 July 20:30 IST
From: Gugan <>
To: Aditi <>
Subject: Re:Additional Details

Hi Aditi,

Till date did not have the need to be patient so was always in a hurry as there were multiple things piled up on my plate. Now that I have found out a person who has agreed to groom me on certains things. Hopefully, her guidance would help me lower my pace and help me focus on my direction. Looks like I am already in your good book list. But it isn't fair to take all credits for myself. To be honest, I am bit lazy to surf for your profile through social handles and that is the main reason. Thank you for sharing your insta profile, will send you a follow request.

After looking at your idea, mails seem to be a better idea to me as well. Yeah... In a way... it makes me feel good reading these mails rather than scrolling through chats.

To answer to your last question, the decision is now dependent on your call. I had already confirmed my parents yesterday to carry on with the proceedings. Decision part... I believe am good at it and most of my decisions till date have worked in my favour. Hoping this decision too falls in that category.


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