Chapter 9

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Tokyo, Japan

17 July 19:05
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Temple Diaries
▪12 Attachments

Hey Gugan,

I am filled with positive vibes now. Know why? We went to Kapaleeshwar temple as it is a virtue usually followed in my house whenever there is an important event happening at home. Moreover, I am attached to that temple since childhood. It is the constant place I visit before taking up any major life events be my exams, interviews or anything else related to my growth. I had told you that my mother holds on to sentiments which have inherited in me as well. In a way, the vibe of the place and mantras being chanted has this inherent positivity flowing through the temple. My prayers went never beyond a minute as it was all needed for me. Mostly, I visit temples not to ask anything to god but to express my gratitude for all that I am blessed with. Isn't it all in life? Happy parents to fulfill our wishes and what else do we need? I am more than blessed. And god has been too good to add another blessing. With three more understanding souls, I have nothing to ask rather just thank for making you, Uncle and Aunty enter my life. And you? You were dashing yesterday and these people projected your video on the big screen which made me blush constantly. If you like my photos then understand you were the reason behind my smiles. Your hairstyle, eyes hiding inside those trendy spectacles and your facial colour tone And? everything about you I could get my eyes on the screen. Cuteeeeyyyyyyy... I have seen quite a few pictures of yours but you were beyond dashing in the white shirt. I feel a bit jealous of you. Still want the reason? Obviously, it is natural that it took more than two hours to get myself ready with the makeup, saree, hairdressing and there you steal the show by just turning up in a formal white shirt. I needed the full frame to handle it while your passport sized frame on the screen was enough to grab my attention. You liked me in our engagement photos but guess what? The beauty you see in those pictures were because of you. Seeing your face on the big screen couldn't stop me blushing. I think you might felt watching the live stream. Did you notice the files attached to this mail? Actually I went to the temple in a saree today. It was on my mother's insistence and knew you like me in that attire. My dad assisted me in capturing the photos. Do see those attachments and let me know if you liked it.

Take care my boy. Stay safe!

With love,

17 July 21:05
From: Gugan <>
To: Aditi <>
Subject: Re:Temple Diaries
▪12 Attachments

Hi Aditi,

Really happy to know you visited Kapaleeshwar temple with your family. I could genuinely resonate your feelings to the temple. Yeah... in my life too... the temple has a significant place. My history with the temple traces a way back to my childhood. Remember... during my primary schooling roughly... on my fifth grade... myself and my mother would visit the temple once every week. To be honest... I do follow some religious sentiments like you but even more... was my fascination towards the Prasad served at that temple. You know at such young age... when we have nothing much to worry about... temple seems like a place of recreation than a spiritual hub. So during then... the Puliyogare rice excited me to visit there every week along with my mother. Slowly... over age this fascination turned into a happy go to place and relax ourselves in the calmness of the temple. Rightly put... the temple by itself is filled of positivity. Also, I heard your house is at a walkable distance from the temple. It should be even more easier for your commute. After you explained about the temple... it reminded me of my childhood memories. It's been quite some time... should make a visit to the temple once am back to India.

Secondly, coming to your photos... they were really good. I liked almost ten of the twelve photos barring two as people had bombed in those picture. Also... thank you for helping me with a new screensaver. In a way, you looked more beautiful than in our engagement. No makeup but face glowing in happiness and the small streak of kumkum on your forehead... to top it all was the simple saree of yours. Your were too beautiful to take my eyes off. And I forgot... ask your mother to take aarti to remove all the evil eyes. I think you are much aware of that custom. Wanted to tell you yesterday itself... but someone got diverted. But wait... I saw you wearing a blue coloured saree on the temple photos. Just curious to know if you preferred that colour.

Convey my regards to Uncle and Aunty.

Take care! Stay safe!


17 July 22:07
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Short Break

Hey Gugan,

You express this much? Never knew it before. I think this is the first time you are sharing your memories with me. You know something? I love this quality of you that you always keep things to yourself. It makes me explore the inner self of you without losing my curiosity. Do visit our place, the temple is hardly at a walkable distance from our house. Can't wait for you to see my room. Looks like your mother understands you better than you. Aunty took the aarti stating the same that Gugan will first ask men if I did this. To satisfy, she followed the custom yesterday itseld post our engagement function.

You like pink then can't I like blue? I do like navy blue a lot when it comes to choosing sarees and tops.

Will surely convey it to my parents.

I donot want to disturb you on weekdays as you will be busy with your studies and projects. We shall again catch up over the weekend.

Take care my boy. Stay safe!

With love,

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