Chapter 6

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Chennai, India

09 July 20:44
From: Aditi <>
To:  Gugan <>
Subject: Heart of Gold
▪2 attachments

Hey Gugan,

Ufff... We are almost done with the engagement purchase. You had seen the saree, also bought the jewels today. You know what? The jewellery store was crowded like anything and it was a mistake from our end to have visited on a weekend. As you know, there wasn't a choice either as the engagement date is getting closer. You should see the crowd there, with not even a single vacant chair we stood hours before finalizing the chains. It is still a puzzle to me, how come these jewellery shops here are flooded with people always? And they claim recession? I don't find any traces of it when am inside these shops. Moreover, it becomes really difficult to satisfy me and my mom with a product. I felt pity for my dad who stood helpless for most time at the shop today. God willingly, we both finally were convinced with the chains. My parents preferred to have the concern of Uncle and Aunty but they were too sweet to agree with our selection. My love towards Aunty increases the everytime I meet her. You are really lucky to have such a mother. Also, me along with my parents visited your house post buying these jewels to show them to Uncle and Aunty. We were offered dinner at your house. Did you tell Aunty that I prefer Dosa? She had prepared Khichdi for dinner. But as soon as she saw me, Aunty started making Dosa especially for me. Though I agreed to have Khichdi but she warned me to wait for my favourite Dosa. Not even in my house, was I given such a preference. Guess what? Aunty has again called me for lunch tomorrow. I am enjoying your mom's food. You never told me that she cooks so well. I forgot the main thing, have attached the photos of jewellery which we had bought earlier today.

Kindly have a glance and let me know if you are satisfied. Else we have to change it within the return window of seven days.

Tomorrow being a Sunday, I think you would be bit relaxed. So am expecting a sooner reply.

Take care. Stay safe!


09 July 21:31
From: Gugan <>
To: Aditi <>
Subject: Re:Heart of Gold

Hi Aditi,

Firstly wanted to say this... the jewels were nice and liked them... so need not be exchanged. I heard mom is preparing your favourite Fried Rice for tomorrow's lunch. But wait... she never told me you went for dinner today. As expected, my mother slowly seems to have her own secrets with her soon to be daughter-in-law. On this side, I see a lot brewing between you and my mom. Definitely... she will get it from me for hiding this dinner thing with me. Let me tackle it separately. Jokes apart... I am genuinely happy to see you both sharing a good rapport. Secondly... wanted to let you know about an important update. I am attending a seminar for next few days starting tomorrow so kindly expect delayed response to mails for the next two to three days. Also... the engagement date is getting closer... keep yourself free from tiring shopping. It will then make you look tired on the function day. To your Dosa question... we didnot have a detailed conversation on it. Maybe... on my casual talk would have spilled it. I often comment that my stomach is craving for her Dosas and as you know... it doesn't turn out to come well for me... also avoid it often considering my classes and other works. On the course of talk, would have told her that even you are a Dosa fanatic. You see... my mother is good at grasping things quickly... she reminds me of certain schedules which even I tend to forget. In that sense, she would have honoured you with your favourite dish. As you said... after being used to such good food... am finding it all the more difficult to manage here.

Enjoy your lunch tomorrow. Let me know your feedback on the Fried Rice.

Take care! You too stay safe!


10 July 19:31
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Delicious Feast

Gugan Gugan Gugan

I just woke up after taking a long nap post tasting the delicious Fried Rice prepared by Aunty. You have another surprize. Want to know it? She had served it with your favourite French Fries. Spicy Fried Rice, French Fries and Tomato ketchup... Mmmmmmmm.... Can't explain the feelings in words. And see, I am still at your house. Shocked? Actually after the delicious meal, I felt like having a short nap. You get it right? Sunday noon with our stomach heavy won't be fulfilled without the afternoon nap. But the thing is, the lunch was too fulfilling that a small nap turned into a brief sleep. I woke up just fifteen minutes. Even my mother doesnot allow me to sleep this long. She would have tried all her tricks to wake me up in an hour. Aunty was too sweet that she allowed me to rest. And Uncle is no less, he comforted me turning ON the AC and in setting your room for me. Now, I am resting on your bed with my legs over each other. Shocked again? Yeah was given your room. Not bad ya... your room looks really clean. Initially thought Aunty had arranged your room but came to know from her that your room is usually like this even when you were here. I never knew boys too maintained their rooms this way. Often heard, boys don't maintain their rooms well and the things will be all over the place. Not had the chance to visit anyone's room before but yours is better than that of a girl. I look to see things at its place and nowhere is it clumsy. What makes you maintain your room like this? Even the walls are perfect with just a wall clock on a corner. My love for you increases everytime I get to know the unknown side about you. You are breaking the stereotypes of a typical boy. Earlier, came to know you like pink colour which is not often preferred by boys. Now, I see your room where even a girl would fail to organize it so well. Will try my best not to get my mother see your room. She will further advice me to arrange my room. Though I maintain it with lesser items but they don't always stay at the same place. Mostly, my earphones will be on the bed and my mobile often under the unfolded blanket. AC remote will be at some corner of the room. Just that, you need some skill to identify such things. Other than these, it is pretty much the same. If my mother comes to your room, she is certain to advice me comparing with your skill of organizing things. I am safe as long as she doesn't visit your room. Haha...

That's fine. You carry on with your seminar. I wouldn't disturb you.

And am done with the engagement shopping with those jewels. Will just relax for the next few days. Thanks for your concern.

Take care my boy. Stay safe!

With love,

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