Chapter 8

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Chennai, India

16 July 20:35
From: Gugan <>
To: Aditi <>
Subject: Reminder for Claim No : 00002

Hello Madam,

This is a gentle reminder to know on the status of Claim No : 00002. I had requested for the engagement photos from the bride but there is no update on it. It has been more than a day since the engagement function was over.

Kindly check and update me on the status. My works are pending without this so immediate response is expected on the same.


16 July 21:55
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Claim No : 00002 - Approved
▪1 attachment

Hi Gugan,

We are pleased to inform you that your claim no : 00002 has been approved. Sincere apologies for the delay as the bride was tired post the engagement event, the photos were delayed to be uploaded.

Kindly excuse us this time. We assure this won't repeat again.

Please find attached the zip folder for all the photos clicked during the engagement event.

Note : Bride insisted on posting only her favourite photos which caused further delay.

We deeply regret for the inconvenience caused.
Is there anything else I could assist you with?


16 July 22:35
From: Gugan <>
To: Aditi <>
Subject: Re:Claim No : 00002 - Approved
▪1 attachment

Hello Madam,

Thank you for the swift response. The photos were really great. I am impressed with the photos selection which makes me forgive you for the delay. It is of great help to carry on with my work as my gallery and wallpapers were dependent on the arrival of bride photos. Also, good that you made me know the reason for delay. Will inform and get it sorted the next time.

And... that is it for now... If there is anything else, will reach out to again.

Thanks a lot!



Gud Ni8. Take care

16 July 23:02

Still awake?

What are you doing so late?

Sorry I made a mistake

I don't get you

I should have come in person for the engagement. Thinking there was no much role for me, I participated virtually but after looking at you... my regrets have worsened Aditi. You even asked me earlier but declined your request but am feeling it now.

What happened ya? You were fine even in the video yesterday

Yeah I was... later looking at you in that pink coloured saree blurred my vision

Looks like you come to senses only post-midnight. Haha... You told me last time... but am slowly getting it...

Pink coloured saree, your hair, eyes and... you were so perfect yesterday

What happened to you suddenly? Can't stop laughing in happiness

I am expressing my feelings but you...

Sorry if it got conveyed in the wrong sense. I completely get you dear. Just that even am not used to such untime romance. Eeeeeee...

You say as if I am doing it daily. Same for me as well... Are you happy?

Lottttttt. You should see my blush now.

nly then will you understand

Then send it?

Now? Kidding?

Yeah... Anyway we are officially engaged now. So send it.

Wait for few mins

16 July 23:23

Are you there?


Liked a message


Haha... Never knew this side of you existed

Even I was not aware till you shared the photos

Clear the point now... You said something that your wallpapers will be changed in the mail but I don't see any change or even status updates in your social media profiles.


Awww... You meant your mobile wallpaper and screensaver. Sorry yaa... Didnot think of this angle. How much ever we converse, you surprize me every single time

And one more suggestion... I badly missed your dimple in the photos... Try to avoid it next time

Even I felt the make up felt overboard. I have not used any makeup till date so wasn't sure of it.

Yes that's the best

What? Plain faced for the wedding? I don't think neither of our parents will agree.

Why wouldn't they? Let me convince them. You have a flawless fair skin. It will surely be good.

Not sure how the crowd attending our marriage would will perceive the bride without any makeup

They are just going to be there for few days. At the end, only we both are going to treasure the album for lifetime. I am fine to see my wife without makeup. You can decide for yourself

I am all the more happy as even I am not a fan of makeup. It feels like too much of an effort though I play no part in it

Cool. Let my wife be the epitome of beauty without makeup. I am confident it won't make you look bad.

You get concurrence from our parents and then only will I agree

Leave that part to me. Will take care.

Go and sleep. Time has already passed 3:00 AM for you there.

Yeah my girl ruined by sleep. Anyways, it is Sunday tomorrow so will manage.

But I am feeling sleepy my boy.

Yeah it has crossed your time

Even for the photo you asked, I had to wash my face and pose as my eyes dropped then only

Oh! Sorry Sorry. You can go and sleep

Thank you dear. Take care. Text you later

You too dear. Good Night!

Gud Ni8


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