Chapter 4

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Tokyo, Japan

04 July 23:35
From: Gugan <>
To: Aditi <>
Subject: Half Baked Lines

Hi Aditi,

Looks like I had made you wait enough. It doesn't serve any purpose making you wait any longer. I get this guilty pleasure of seeing you wait for my mails mainly because you said it keeps you excited. Not out of ego... but it just feels good to have someone waiting for us. Enough... Come to the point soon... I know these are the words running your mind right now. Let me begin from where it was left last time. I... was in a misconception till date that it was difficult to make you understand but actually it was you who had been genuinely trying it. Indeed, my efforts are no way close to yours Aditi. I am more than happy to be married to you. With no further delay, am expecting a journey for a lifetime with you. Praying everything will go smooth as expected. Moreover, you seem to have understood me well at a short span... make sure to GROOM (hope you get it) me to your expectations as we discussed earlier. And... for me... it feels good to have interacted with you over the past few days. As said earlier, I am not too good with words... And... forgot to say... my mother called me sometime back and informed about the engagement. Looks like our parents are far more interested in getting us married. I think you will be the best person for this Aditi... Better talk to my mother and make sure they fix our wedding date sometime early next year by then would have completed my studies. You are my only ray of hope and this is what I wanted to convey over our chat.

Kindly text me if anything urgent.

Take care!


07 July 17:05
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Re:Half Baked Lines

Hey Gugan,

Sorry Sorry Sorry. I am extremely sorry for the delayed response. You know what? I was fully occupied with the engagement shopping. There is hardly a week left for it and a lot of things to be arranged. Though my father takes care of arranging the catering, still myself and mom are busy purchasing the sarees and jewels for the event. Is there any way for you to make it for the engagement? I know, the groom is not mandatorily needed for the function but just my curiosity peeped in. Anyway, you focus on your masters and get it completed. Meantime, I will take care of these things. Just stepped into my house for lunch and still we have another round of shopping to be finished by today. My mother preferred to begin the engagement purchase today owing to her sentiments. We visited two to three shops in T.Nagar in the belief of finalizing the engagement saree but not so satisfactory. There are two more shops pending at Pondy Bazaar which we are planning to visit post lunch. Looks like my mother is getting tensed. That's it for now. Will explain the remaining story by night.

Better be safe!
Take care!


08 July 02:05
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Sweet Surprise

Hey Gugan,

Phew... I am finally back home. It took this long for us to reach home. We tried almost every saree shop in the nook and corner of T.Nagar. And guess what? We have still not bought the saree. Myself and mom liked one pattern but it was not readily available on store so we have asked them to arrange it from the godown. Mostly, will be finalizing the saree tomorrow. You know something? I met Aunty today and she was too sweet. Even if it is not for you, I would definitely agree upon seeing your mother. What? I could see your frown on reading this. Aren't you eager to know why I said that? I heard from your mother that you had agreed to marry me even without looking at my picture. How is that even possible? I am curious to know the answer. You claim to be bad with words but your conversation with Aunty projects a different side of you. Aunty showed your chats and voice messages that you have with her daily. I heard you made Parotta using Corn Flour thinking it to be Maida. Haha... Myself and my mother could not control our laughter hearing this story. Hearing this from Aunty, I have decided to GROOM you. There is a good news for you. As you informed, I convinced Aunty on finalizing out wedding date. Want to know when is it? The wedding has been fixed on 01 September. Haha... Don't worry. You have more than forty five days to plan your trip.

Please try to make it ya. I don't want it to be pushed for long. Pleaseeeeee.

Take care! Miss you!


08 July 18:07
From: Gugan <>
To: Aditi <>
Subject: Re:Sweet Surprise

Hi Aditi,

No need to apologize for the late reply. I understand you were busy selecting the saree and yeah... agree you had less time left for these things. For the engagement... it is... kind of difficult... as you know... am busy with the project work.

Sorry... but hoping you will understand my situation.

Firstly... wanted to ask... you met my mother but neither the girl nor her mother-in-law shared anything to me on this. Looks like you both started maintaining secrets already. You might be forgiven for the late reply but you and my mother cannot be forgiven for the things you have done. Will surely ask my mother the next time she calls me that with whose permission did she share my cooking bloopers with her yet-to-be daughter-in-law? Let that be on the other side. Secondly coming to my Madam... I told you to push the date further but you have preponed it... and that too you have decided on a date which is not even two

months away.  You should have thought about it once Aditi. I told you to atleast leave it till early next year but now... Fine... let me not be a hindrance to it is as you all have decided already. Just that... it becomes difficult for me to plan my trip in such a short duration. Anyway... the marriage date has been decided by my two favorite souls... no other way... than to agree. Looks like I will have to be mentally prepared for a shocker if you and my mother are involved in any discussion. Fine... will now have to plan my trip. Glad that the wedding has been fixed on September rather sometime this month or next.

Take Care! You too stay safe!

Miss you too,

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