Chapter 11

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Chennai, India

24 July 19:05
From: Aditi <>
To: Gugan <>
Subject: Home Stay

Dear Gugan,

I am back to your room. Shocked? Aunty had called me to visit home this weekend but she was more than happy when I arrived with my baggage planned for a stay. Can read your mind now. You might be thinking why your mother did not say anything when you spoke to her over these two days. You know the best part? I even heard your conversation with your mother. Aunty had turned ON the speaker for me to know the other side of you. You pester her a lot, I can now understand why you are reserved. When you discuss everything with your mother, why wouldn't you need anyone else to share things to? Upon hearing the conversation, I fell you are still a kid from within. I thought of you to be really strong that you handle things independently in Japan but realized that Aunty is only guiding you there. Even felt like tasting your Sambar rice which you made yesterday. Added to this, my mother told you used to show all your writings to her before getting it posted. I felt if different to see someone like you in this generation. Boys generally maintain secrecy is what I have heard of. But you both are challenging my perspective. Also, I witnessed an unique trait over both the calls you made to her in these two days. You always check if she is alone at home or with someone else before you start your story. Aunty told me even this and asked me to maintain silence during your calls. I couldn't control my smile upon hearing your conversations. All your maturity is only for the rest while the kid in you is still available for your mother. You say a lot of good things about me? I was taken aback. With me, you just have generic conversations but when you explain your love for me to her it as if we have been in a relationship for years. Blessed to have a man like you as my life partner. Had I known it before, I would have even recorded the calls. In the curiosity to hear you speak, my mind didnot work that time so you escaped. Best part is yet to come. When Aunty told me that you get all your writing approved by her, I couldn't refrain myself from showing your quotes for me. I wanted to witness her reaction and she came up with a reply which I never anticipated. Want to know what Aunty said? "I am at peace now, finally this guy wouldn't torture me everytime asking me to comment on his writings. You please take care of these things hereafter Aditi" were the words from your mother. I busted out on laughter upon receiving such a reaction from your mother. I am planning to visit your house often on weekends to get such interesting things about you. And to my man, your mother is far more interesting than you. I am sure you can never match her craze and pull. Already a lot for you, will explain the rest in another mail.

Take care. Stay safe!

Love you,

24 July 20:05
From: Gugan <>
To: Aditi <>
Subject: Re:Home Stay

Hi Aditi,

Firstly... I told you not to meet my mother often... but you never listened. Atleast... listen to me now... the more you visit her, there wouldn't be anything about me beyond her inputs. And... you told me that my strength is not sharing a lot things which keeps your curiosity alive within you. Already within two days of stay at my house a lot of beans have been spilled about me. It is the main reason I feared when you said both of you are planning to meet often. Hoooo.... looks like you will make me cry. If I had known you were on the other, wouldn't have spoken many things. Now... I don't even know what all was told over the weekend calls. I would remember if it the conversation lasted for few minutes, at an hour duration I can't even recollect many things. With everyone else, my conscious does the talking while with my mother it is often the subconscious having the conversation so cannot remember it easily. And you too are not easy... I will no longer send messages or quotes for you. As such you and my mother are having a discussion so... better I create a group for three of us and send the messages there. Usually they say... when mother-in-law and daughter-in-law don't gel with each other it will be a problem. I too was in that assumption so was happy when you both were together... but now it seems like this will be a bigger problem to me. Everything started because of my mother... she is thinking of you as her daughter than daughter-in-law. She always wanted a daughter in our house thinking she could free herself from me by diverting my attention to that girl. Looks like she is fulfilling her long dream through you. No way... she is definitely going to get it from me.

Secondly... as I told you yesterday my exams are starting this week and will go on for next few days so kindly adjust if there are late replies.

Kindly text me if anything urgent.

And most importantly... please don't visit my house next weekend. Try to understand... else you won't find my conversations interesting enough.

Take care! Stay safe!


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