Chapter 7

7 4 0

Tokyo, Japan

14 July 19:31
From: Gugan <>
To: Aditi <>
Subject: Re:Delicious Feast

Hey Aditi,

Thanks for understanding my side and not disturbing me for the past few days. I am officially done with the seminar. It went well and got some insights that would help me in completing my project. Again... am informed only partly by my parents nowadays. They said you had gone home for lunch but just knowing about the events post your feast. Get it... You and my mom have surely become a tag team. Things are going to get difficult for me in the upcoming days. But still... I like certain things from both of you. It is... you often update me with the things left by her. Not sure if you both have understood so well in a short span. Knowing my mother for years... it looks like she deliberately edits certain portion of the story knowing you will update me. Yeah... wait... she didnot tell me even about the French Fries part. So... you enjoyed even my favourite. I always wished for a sister since childhood. Now, I can visualize what all would have happened if there was a girl at my house. Looks like soon-to-be my wife will take that thought from my mind for life. But then... yeah... even my mother wished to have a girl at home. Might be... she is fulfilling her long dream once you entered our house. Obvious... if I myself is attracted with you then it is not going to take much time for her. Am usually the reserved type and would take a lot of time to mingle with outsiders. She usually gets along with people quite soon.

We are really happy to welcome ADITI as ADITI itself to our small family.

And you... better share the engagement photos tomorrow. Can't wait to see my dimple queen in that pink coloured saree.

Take care! Stay safe!



Carry on with your purchase. Take care

15 July 00:25

Are you there?

15 July 00:30

There came our night owl

Mocking me?

Haha... No
Tell me man

Are you all set for tomorrow's function?

It is just 09:02 PM here. We still have a lot of time for the function.

Understand but anything that you have to make it ready?

My mom is taking care of the necessary things and dad has arranged the food part. Nothing for me.
My work starts only by morning


That too, nothing required by my end. Aunty said she would help me with my saree and have arranged a makeup artist for managing the hair and makeup stuff

Looks like you are enjoying this already?

Ofcourse, it feels me feel like a princess seeing all of them taking efforts


Hey... isn't it late for you? I always get your messages and mails mostly at night. Are you a night person?

Yes. I prefer to get things done at night. To put it simple, my brain works well post 10 at night

Oh! I seeee...

What about you?

I am not too bad like you. Usually go to bed before 11:00 PM

Good. Even I wouldn't suggest my sleep cycle to anyone. Know this ruins our health but got used to for years.

Is sleep sufficient for you? Like you sleep too late

I balance it by sleeping for an hour or two post my class timings.

I heard you were working here for a couple of years before doing your masters. How did this sleep cycle work then? I believe, you cannot sleep at office.

Yeah... that time my sleep cycle was different. That too in Chennai, travelling to companies from the city itself will make us tired. That time, even I used to sleep by 10:30 but again picked up this habit after starting my masters.

Yes that's what even I was thinking how this guy manages with such less sleep.


This should be a bigger problem for you in Tokyo. As such, Japan is 3.5 hrs ahead of IST.

Yeah kind of... but managing it somehow

Not good ya. Take care of your sleep cycle man. It might affect you in the long run

Sure, now that you have said will regulate it

Please do Sir. Your health matters a lot to me.

Agreed Madam

It must already close to 1:00 AM at your place. Go and sleep. Even I will leave as have to wake up early for getting myself ready

Good Night

Gud Ni8. Take care

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