Chapter 14

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Instagram, 11 August 03:29 JST

Fine. Aunty is calling me. Will catch up later

11 Aug, 03:30

Happy Birthday Aditi!
Hope you have a great year ahead

Happy Raksha Bandhan to you too

Errr... Whaaatttt?

Hey Gugan
Sorry sorry dear. Someone had sent me Raksha Bandhan. By then you had wished me for birthday and my reply got twisted.
So so so so sorrrryyyyyyyy

Aditi unsent a message

I have deleted the first message now

Uffff... I was taken aback for a moment and my whole life would have turned into a lie for a second

Haha... Love you dear
It happens right

Completely get it

What's your response?


Aditi typing...

You changed the chat theme to Love

Got your response
Not yet slept?

I set up alarm to wish you. Eyes are drooping. Talk to you tmrw.

Cuteeeyyyyy love you. Means a lot to me. Good Night

11 Aug, 17:45

Hi my ADrenaline InsTIgator

Hey... missed hearing this for a long time.
Love it when you call me that way

What's my birthday queen doing?

Just left the restaurant after enjoying my birthday lunch

No work?

I usually take off during my birthdays. It’s a custom which I have been following since school.

Weirddd... I usually have seen my friends dying to attend classes on birthdays and... you say a different story

Yeah I like to celebrate it with my parents so mostly even my father would take off for my birthday and would go out as a family.

Interesting. I will also try it once

Yeah do try it. You will have a difference experience.
And yes... just crossed IIT-M

Good old UG days

You miss your campus?

Ofcourse... I do miss it. Though my masters is like being back to college but then UG is a different vibe all together.

Agreed. Wish even I was an IITian. Tried but bad luck

Anna University is great too. Guindy campus right?

Yes it is really good... still...

Don't you miss college?

A lot in recent days. Initial two years post engineering did not seem tough and was interesting but later on even work started becaming monotonous.
Slowly I am starting to miss those days... you get my feeling right?

Absolutely... Could feel your longing…
Leave that on this happy occasion. We have been too close for two years but never got a chance to meet you

Yea. I too felt the same. I thought maybe guys like you don't look turn back on us

Who said? Many of my batchmates too tried on few Computer Science girls from your campus

Is it? I never knew

That attraction happens everywhere. Your university or college doesnot matter

Did you try your luck on some girl?


Unbelievable. But why? If it was for a boy like you, most girls would have accepted

I did not try that's it

Still couldn't get you

Hmmm... You can even take it as laziness. Actually that process demands a lot of effort...

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Absolutely... even to get along with a girl you need to initiate a conversation, build a rapport, earn her trust and lot more things... I felt it was a waste of time

Makes sense

I am always someone who prefers arranged marriage

Same here. Hifi.

What's your problem?

I enjoy the genuine happiness we get to see on parents face and the vibe around that marriage.
And to be honest, even if I had chosen someone on my own interest wouldn't have selected someone too good as you

Same for me. My parents know me well and they have now given me a life partner with qualities beyond what I could have ever imagined.

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Love you Gugan. You are the best

So are you… my birthday baby

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We have reached home. Aunty and Uncle said the will be coming home by evening. I have not had a good night sleep yesterday as it went busy replying to the messages. Will take a short nap before Uncle and Aunty arrive.

Carry on with your sleep. Will catch up later


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