Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Arrving at the school, no one notices me yet. Why? Because the last time they saw my face was when I was fourteen, now, I'm eighteen. I didn't let anyone spread on the news that I was released and back to school. I had Lindsey to make sure no one knew I was coming back. 

I took my shades out of my bag and slipped them on, smirking as I saw confused students looking at me and whispering to their friends and peers, wondering who the heck I was.

I let out a chuckle as I entered the glass doors. Last time, I was here was my freshmen year. I looked around the atrium.

Nothing had changed a bit. 

I continued to walk through the atrium, amused by the confused and curious stares, and walked right into the office. 

The office was a bit cold, but it was tolerable. I went up to the seceratory and smiled innocently. 

"I'm new," I proclaimed. 

She looked up from her computer screen and sighed.


Here comes the fun. 

"Jade Parker, miss," I smirked. 

Almost instantly, her eyes wondered and her hands shook as she looked through her things. With shaking hands, she gave me a dark blue, almost navy folder.

"He-here's ev-verything you n-n-need," she stuttered, with a frightened experssion. 

I raised an eyebrow amused. 

"What? You scared of an innocent eighteen year old girl?" I sneered.

She shook her head frantically. 

I leaned towards her.

"Well you should be," I whispered.

I turned around and left the office without another word.

Wow. People really hate me.

 So far today, my red locker had been spray painted with the words KILLER and had many hate notes stuffed in them. 

Then teachers gave me extra amounts of homework. 

And the students, they push me and shove me and start fights with me. 

Four people ended up with a black eye or broken nose. 

All caused by me, which earned me a week's detention. 

I've also been getting hateful comments and stares, but those don't bother me. Plus, I'd give them hateful stares but my eyes are covered by my shades. 

At the end of the day, I just wanted to sleep for a bit. And maybe eat something.

"Linds, I'm home!" I shouted, dropping my heavy bag down on the floor and heading to the living room. But when I entered the living room, Lindsey wasn't there, but Oliver was there with some ugly blonde bimbo.

Oliver had college, he was 20 years old. The same age as my 'brother' would be by now. 

"She's not here, sicko. Now leave me and Molly alone," Oliver hissed, shooting me a death glare. 

I took off my shades and rolled my eyes. 

"You're standards suck, Oliver. But hey, not my fault you'll end up with herpes or some other STI," I said, shrugging.

"Fuck off, you worthless piece of shit. You're nothing but a killer and disgusting. You're scum to me and everyone else in this town because of what you did. And for that, I will forever hate you. So get out of my face," he growled, venom clear in his voice. 

I would be lying if I said that didn't hurt because in truth it did. 

With an emtionless face, I turned around and headed up to the bathroom and fell to the floor crying. 

Everyone sees me as the bad guy, but for once, can't they just listen to what really happened to me before I killed Jordan? He deserved it. He deserved to die. And I was stuck here in plain misery. 

The tough girl is a part of me, but Oliver's words cut me deep. 

Especially if I was basically in love with him before I killed Jordan. 

And Oliver's words made me use the burning object.

Okay so listen up, I changed Oliver's age to 20. Also, that means Jordan would be 17 when he died. Anyways, yeah. sorry for not uploading. 

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