Scars - Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen - Aaron

When I woke up the next morning, I still had questions about last night but I'd ask about those later. I sat up and saw that Derek was throwing his clothes in a suitcase and he had on a pair of dark jeans, but no shirt.

Damn, he look sexy. I mean, ew! Oh who the hell am I kidding he looked FINE.

"Uhm, morning," I greeted.

He turned around and gave me a small smile.

"Mornin'" he said.

I got up and went over to my suitcase and pulled out some clothes and my towel. I went into his bathroom and stripped out of my clothes and showered. Afterwards, I dried myself and put on my clothes ; the usual bra and underwear and over top of that a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a long sleeved navy sweater. I left my hair to dry itself and didn't bother putting on makeup. These days, I didn't wear it much. I exited the bathroom and tossed my stuff in my bag.

"We're leaving in ten minutes, okay?" Derek announced.

"Oh, yeah sure," I replied back.

"Oh and we're gonna have breakfast at the airport if that's fine with you, Aaron?" he said.

"Doesn't matter," I smiled at him.

"M'kay," he smiled back.

Just then I noticed that he was wearing a navy sweater also, but his sleeves were pushed up to his elbows, which showed his nice tanned arms.

Geez, this guy here in front of me, is making feeling al different and I'm not sure if I like it or not. Sure, I kind of had a TINY crush on him, but I don't know. There was just this, connection we had that no other people did. I shook the thought off and followed Derek out of the room grabbing my suitcase and stuff. We went down the stairs and to the front door where his mom and dad were.

"You two ready?" Mrs.Jones ask.

"Yes," I replied back.

"Okay good. Anyways the airport is just thirty minutes away and the rest of the information is in those sheets your father gave you last night Derek. Anyways have a safe trip!" she smiled, hugging us both.

"Good luck," Mr Jones said.

And then we left. Putting out bags in the trunk of Derek's car and set off to the airport to get on the plane, to meet Annabelle Winters.

Derek -

I still couldn't believe it. Aaron couldn't be my mate. For 76 years I was mate less, not finding who I was supposed to be. Sure back in the day I was kind of player, sleeping around with girls trying to see if there was any connection or the symbol on their back. But no there wasn't on any of those girls, but then last night Aaron had it. And she saw mine. Which with human eyes, you can't see.

Fuck, am I confused.

Okay, I'll admit Aaron does look hot. She always had. I've noticed her before I talked to her. She was so quiet and had no friends. And I figured out why she was so emotionless. But when she smiled, it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life. Agh, see this! She has this effect on me.

Stupid, shut up. Or else you'll blurt stuff out you don't want to say.

Right now, we were off the plane and in the car on the way to the hotel. I pulled up to a nice 5 star hotel, because I can't stand motels. I parked and we got out taking our suitcases with us. We went up to the check in desk.

"Hello! How may I help you?" said an over enthusiastic lady.

"Oh, can we get two rooms? One for me, and one for her?" I asked the check in lady.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry but we only have one room left and that only has one queen sized bed. We're kind of overbooked today! Is that okay?" she smiled.

I shrugged."Sure".

"Okay, here is your room card and I'll just get you two a bellhop," she said.

She called over a boy that looked about 19/20 years old. The bellhop boy was checking out Aaron as we followed him to our room which was starting to piss me off.

"Here's your room. Have a nice stay," he smiled fakely, still checking out Aaron and winked at her when he left.

Does he have death wish? -.-


HELLO WATTPADERS! Thank you for reading Scars ;)

I'd like to thank fans, and readers and commenters.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Anyways I have a question:


Please tell me!


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