Scars - Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine - Aaron

"I don't care! This time I'm gonna kill you!" he yelled/slurred.

I started shaking my head and let my vision blur with the tears building up in my eyes. I moved back as grabbed a knife from the counter and started to walk towards me.

Then the kitchen burst open and in came a wolf.

A big wolf.

A wolf that was at least 6 feet tall.

But it's fur it looked so familiar and it eyes.

The light coloured brown fur and the mystic golden brown eyes.

The eyes.

They looked like Derek's.

No, that couldn't be it.

It couldn't be possible.

Or could it?

The Derek like wolf growled at my father who was staring at the wolf wide eyed and frightened. I have never seen him this frightened and I didn't care. He deserved it. He deserved to be in pain. He deserved to be covered in cuts and bruises. Most of all, he deserved to be the weaker one. I stood up and glared at my father.

"Hurt him Derek," I told the wolf.

The wolf looked at me but nodded. He picked up my dad from his teeth and threw him across the room. He landed on the floor covered in blood, but I didn't care. After years of making me suffer, this is what he deserved - pain.

I walked over to my father and bent down to his level.

"You deserve this pain. I hate you Dad," I whispered to him.

I kicked his side hard and left them as I walked over to the wolf who I knew it was Derek now.

"I know it's you, Derek," I told the wolf.

I could see confusion and curiosity in his eyes. The wolf shifted back to his human form and I noticed he had no shirt on, and I got a clear view of his muscles, and his eight pac. I didn't know how long I was staring at his body but when he cleared his voice, I looked up at him and felt my cheeks go red.

"Uh sorry," I apologized.

He lightly chuckled but his face got serious.

"How'd you know it was me?" he asked.

"I recognized your eyes and your fur colour. It had to be you because you're the only person I know with golden brown eyes, Derek," I told him honestly.

"You know, you can't tell anyone what I am," he said.

I nodded. "I know,"

"Now, I have a few question for you," he said.

I sighed. "Go ahead ask."

"What are you?" he asked.

I looked aty him confused? What am I? I'm human. I'm not some supernatural being. How can he come up with this assumption?

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused still.

He stared at me searching for answers.

"That day you were hit by the car, I watched the news. Apparently you're cracked skull was fully healed with no signs of it being broken or cracked whatsoever. Are you a supernatural being?" he asked.

Now I see what he was going at. The cuts and bruises on my arms were always gone the next day. My head injury was fully healed. I would've been in a coma for god knows how long.

"I-I don't know," I confessed.


She didn't know.

But I knew she wasn't human. We both knew. I knew she had to be something, a healer of some sort perhaps? All I knew was she was a supernatural like me, but we still needed to know what she was. I sighed and looked at her father who was unconscious and I looked back at her and saw that she was deep in thought.

"Pack your things. You're coming with me to my house," I said.

She broke out of her thoughts and nodded.

I didn't think she'd give in that easily.

I followed her up the stairs and into her small bedroom.

She grabbed a suitcase and filled it with all her clothes, makeup, and everything else. She zipped it up and I picked it up while she grabbed her backpack. We headed downstairs went out the back door.

"Just leave my dad here, he deserves it" she said.

I nodded.

"Okay the only way to get back to my house is me in my wolf form and you gotta get on me with your stuff and hold on tight, got it?" I asked her.

She nodded.

I changed it my wolf form and when she got onto my back, it felt like mini sparks going through my whole body. I ignored it thinking it was nothing.

I felt her grab my fur tightly and man, did it feel good.

'Bad wolf' I told myself.

And then I took off running through the woods far away from her home.


I decided to be nice and upload it today since it was already finished!

Anyways I hope you liked it!

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Btw, huge thanks to voters and fans!

I have 86 votes, lets see if we can make it to 100? :D

Thanks everyone!

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