Scars - Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen - Aaron


I could not believe it. This Snow White looking person is Annabelle Winters. My supposed 'mother' and Vampire leader.

"Uhm, okay.." I said.

I looked at Derek and he nodded for me to go on. I sighed but entered the mainson, with Derek following me from behind. The instead of this mansion was beautiful. Creamy coloured walls, old Victorian furniture that fit well with the theme of the house and wide staircase with gold railings and blood red carpet on it.

"Follow me, dears," Annabelle said.

We followed her to another room on the first floor which seemed to be her office, judging from the things inside here. She motioned us to sit down on the loveseat couch that was in there while she sat in other chair.

"Mr.Jones had called me last night and said you two were coming to ask some questions. Well, you are here now and I will answer every single question you have for me. I will answer them honestly," She smiled showing her perfect white teeth.

Derek cleared his throat and began to ask the first question.

"You do know that Aaron here, is your daughter, right?" Derek said raising an eyebrow.

Annabelle sighed and looked at me with a small smile on her face.

"Yes. I do know that. Aaron is my daughter. She resembles me plus I can remember my own daughter," she answered.

I glared at her.

"Then why did you leave me with a father who constantly abused me for 16 years of my life?" I said, while gritting my teeth.

"I-I had too. You were in danger. And that man, was not your real father Aaron. I didn't know he abused you. You were safer there than here," she frowned, looking ashamed and guiltly.

"How in the hell was I safe there, of all places, when that man who supposedly wasn't my father had hurt me and almost killed me four times but somehow, I always managed to heal within a day or hour!?" I yelled at her.

She flinched and Derek put his hand on my arm to calm down. I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

"Because Aaron, you were in danger!" she said.

"How was I, in danger?" I asked her.

"You were a special baby and the Demons wanted you to steal you and convert you into becoming one of them. I didn't know you were going to end up with an abusive family," she answered.

And for some reason, I had a feeling I could believe this answer. Because deep down, I knew she was telling the truth. I didn't know how, but I could.

"How was I a 'special baby'?" I asked putting air quotes when I said special baby.

"You had powers that normal supernatural's did not. You had inherited my powers and your father's power and when the powers combined, you got them," she explained.

My eyebrows came together in confusion.

"Wait, does she have the power of heal? Because she got hit by a car and her skull cracked open and she was supposed to die and not remember anything, but healers aren't that powerful, Annabelle," Derek said, and you could hear the confusion as well.

Annabelle sighed.

"I know. That's why I don't know what kind of powers she has. She got my healing power and she mostly likely has her father's ability to tell people if they're lying or not," she said.

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